RVY200375: How to Upgrade SQL Express to Standard Edition

This article explains how one can upgrade a SQL Server Express Edition installation to a SQL Server Standard Edition. 


Preparation Instructions


1)  Take note of all enabled scheduled tasks within the ManageSoft and RemoteExecution folders and then disable them: 


2)  Stop the World Wide Web Publishing Service. In case of using a FTP Server, you need to stop your STP Services: 


3)  Backup the RayVentory database (default name = ManageSoft): 




1)  Run the setup from the SQL Server Installation media as Administrator: 


2)  Go to the Maintenace section within the SQL Server Installation Center wizard: 


3)  Select the Edition Upgrade option: 


4)  Enter your SQL Server Standard product key: 


5)  Accept the license agreement: 


6)  Specify the instance of the SQL Server (default instance name = SQLEXPRESS): 


7)  Review the summary and then initiate the upgrade process: 


8)  Once the upgrade has completed, close the wizard (one can also review the log file beforehand: 





1)  Access the Reporting Services Configuration Manager, and confirm that you are able to connect and that the Standard Edition is displayed: 



2)  Access the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, and confirm that you can connect to the server, and that its properties display the Standard Edition: 



 3)  Lastly, confirm that the RayVentory console opens successfully: 


 Final Step

1)  Review your notes and then enable all scheduled tasks within the ManageSoft and RemoteExecution folders that were recorded as being enabled beforehand: 


 2)  Start the WWWPS service: 






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