1. A user with administrative rights
2. At least Powershell Version 4.0 installed (Can be checked with the command $PSVersionTable)
3. The migration script "Migration_Connections_v0.1.ps1 (Attached to this article)
4. A backup of the files "Connections.xml", "OracleConnections.xml" and "vSphereConnections.xml" so far they exist ("%programdata%\Raynet\RayVentoryPortal\Config" OR "%appdata%Roaming\Raynet\RayVentoryPortal\Config")
Optional: If you want to use ProgramData as the application data path, then perform first the steps of following KB article.
Steps to perform:
1. Copy the migration script to a location where you're able to start it from.
2. Click on "File -> Open Windows Powershell -> Open Windows PowerShell as administrator"
Open the Powershell.exe as administrator and navigate with the command
cd <Path to migration script> to the folder location of the script
3. Type in the console "mig" and press TAB for choosing the migration script.
4. Now press enter for executing the script. A small progress bar should open. Then, if the script finished successfully, you will receive this message. You can cancel now Powershell CLI.
In case of failure, you will receive a message for a logfile path or an error message.
5. After migration process was finished, navigate to the folder location
Now open the file "Connections.xml" in an editor.
6. Randomly crosscheck some connection nodes for displayed attributes. The Uuid must be unique for every connection.
7. Now install RayVentory Portal 11.1.
Skip the license activation if you still have a valid one imported and choose the installation directory of 11.0.