RVY200413: Workaround for RVY200411

Normally a workaround would be included as part of a known issue article; however, as this workaround is quite detailed, a separate article was the better choice. 


Here is the link to RVY200411 - https://raynetgmbh.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017504772


The following steps will rectify that situation: 

1.  Create a folder within the root of C:\ named „tmpRVP“.

2.  Start the RayVentory Portal (RVP). 

3.  Got to 'Settings > General' and then press the 'Result output path' options [BROWSE] button: 

4.  Copy the Raynet folder located within the Roaming directory to "C:\tmpRVP\" via the open browse window (Do not perform the copy and paste action outside of that browse window!), and then close the browse window.   

5.  Check to see if the "C:\ProgramData\Raynet\" directory exists, and if it doesn't, create it. 

6.  Copy the "C:\tmpRVP\Raynet\RayVentoryPortal\" folder to "C:\ProgramData\Raynet\". 

7.  Stop the RayVentoryPortalScheduler service. 

8.  Open a registry editor, navigate to "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\RayVentoryPortal\", and then change the values of the AppDataPath & SchedulePath strings to the following: 

9.  Go back to RVP, and change the value of its 'Result output path' option to "C:\ProgramData\Raynet\RayVentoryPortal\Results" without the double-quotes. 

10.  Close RVP and start the RayVentoryPortalScheduler service. 

11.  Open RVP and check that its 'Result output path' value is still correct. 


Note:  If the machines folder options have been configured to display hidden folders, then steps 1 & 4 are not needed as you will be able to paste directly into the ProgramData location once it exists. 



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