RVY200382: How to install an 11.0 Distribution Server based upon standard settings



  1. Windows Server 2012 R2 or later (fully updated), that will be dedicated as a DS only!   
  2. Internet Information Services is not pre-installed!   
  3. A valid web hosting certificate issues by a certificate authority if SSL will be used! 
  4. .Net 3.5 & 4.5.2 or later (the install process will install these applications if they are missing). 
  5. Jave Runtime Environment 8.11 or later (the install process will install these applications if they are missing). 
  6. User with local administrator rights to perform the install. 
  7. Firewall ports:   


Source Package

The 11.0 source package contains the following files and folders: 

  • Doc - Release notes PDF. 
  • Portal - RayVentory portal MSI. 
  • Server - RMSi installation files. 
  • SQL Express - SQL Server Express Advanced 2014 (x64 & x86) & 2016 (x64 + SSMS 17). 
  • Utils - SXS, configuration files & tools, MST, hotfixes, and pre-requisite files. 

Note1:  If the usage agent will not be required then follow the steps described here:-  https://raynetgmbh.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001098803

Note2:  If a more customised installation of the DS and/or its managed device is required, then copy the ".\Release_11_0_0_3661\Server\Deployment Manager\ManageSoft\Distribution server\Win32\Examples\mgssetup.ini" file to the Win32 folder and then modifiy it to suit your needs.  

The params.ini is a controlling file for the InstallationLauncher and setup (10.6 and earlier) executables.  It can be modified directly or via the InstallationLauncher. 



  • Run the InstallationLauncher.exe via the 'Run as Administrator' right-click context menu option. 
  • Select the RayVentory option: 

  • Press the [Options] button: 

  • Fill in the following fileds within the Common tab: 

The InstallDrive should be the largest drive that the machine has, as both the application and warehouse components will be installed onto the same drive. 

If HTTPS is required, a port number will also need to be specified.  The certificate can be added post installation. 

The MST file is required so that only the IIS application related to the web resolver is installed, so that non-domain devices can upload anonymously.  If anonymous access is not required, then do not specify the MST and instead configure the DS's RL with credentials. 


  • Fill in the following fields within the DS tab and then press the [Save configuration] button: 

DUMMY is only required if an MST was specified within the Common dialog. 

HTTPS can also be selected here, as the certificate can be added post installation. 

A backup of the original 'params.ini' file will be made and a new INI file created containing the options selected via the UI: 

  • Pressing the [Install] button will initiate the RayVentory DS installation process: 

A Logs folder will be created within the Release_11_0_0_3661 directory. 

If the installation aborts for any reason, the InstallStep parameter will be updated with that step so that the installation can be run from that point once the problem has been resolved (review the logs). 


  • Once the installation has completed successfully, enable the following two scheduled tasks: 



  • Define the distribution server within the RayVentory console by following the steps described in chapter 3.8.3 of the ".\Release_11_0_0_3661\Server\Deployment Manager\ManageSoft\Documents\DiscoveryGuide.pdf" file. 
    • Settings for a standard implementation: 



  • Follow the steps mentioned in chapters 3.12.2 & 3.12.3 of that same PDF in order to configure the DS as well as prove that communications to and from it are working. 


Note:  If the DS was installed with its web resolver, then there won't be any need to add credentials to its ManageSoftRL application. 








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