RMSUEM200919: Rlease Notes: RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager 3.1.3018.767 [Update 11]

RMSUEM200919: Rlease Notes: RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager 3.1.3018.767 [Update 11]

Type: Full Product

Resolved issues:
Agent version identification is now more robust and does not depend on the presence or absence of the RMS UEM AppCenter. Previously this caused problems as removing the AppCenter application on MacOS rendered this mechanism ineffective. In this release, RMS UEM can read the package information correctly to address this shortcoming.

  • Please note that this issue only affects customers who choose to remove RMS UEM AppCenter from their Mac endpoints. [RDEP-89]
Date Published: 2025/01/21
Requirements: Refer to the Release Notes document for Hardware and Software requirements
Installation Instructions:

Detailed installation instructions and further documentation can be found here:

RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager


Download Location:

FTP Server:







Download from Raynet FTP


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