RMS200163: RayManageSoft


Title: RMS200163: RayManageSoft
Type: Patch

The application of this patch resolves issues and introduces improvements to the various features offered by the RayManageSoft / RayVentory 10.5.

Date Published: 2016-APR

Since this patch is a standalone MSI package, you can either upgrade your existing RayManageSoft instance or install a new instance on a clean machine.


Refer to the Implementation Guide for detailed information on how to install / upgrade RayManageSoft.

Applies to Version(s): -
Obsoletes: RayManagesoft 10.5 and earlier
Restrictions/Known Issues:
Installation Instructions:

Refer to the Implementation Guide for detailed information on how to install RayManageSoft

Affects (Modules, Components, etc.): complete product
Linked Tickets/Development Tasks:

RMS-322, RMS-390, RMS-629, RMS-1002, RMS-1071, RMS-1075, RMS-1585, RMS-1076, RMS-1089, RMS-1097, RMS-1279, RMS-1363, RMS-1457, RMS-1601, RMS-1604, RMS-1622, RMS-1626, RMS-1644, RMS-1649, RMS-1651, RMS-1665, RMS-1666, RMS-1670, RMS-1717, RMS-1723, RMS-1724, RMS-1734, RMS-1738, RMS-1744, RMS-1761, RMS-1763, RMS-1776, RMS-1777, RMS-1803, RMS-1813, RMS-1888

See release notes for more details

Verification Hash (SHA1): -
Download Location:
FTP Server: file.raynet.de
User: raymanagesoft-kd
Password: gDg72H!


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