RFL200120: RayFlow.Web 2.1

Title: RFL200120: RayFlow.Web 2.1

Full Product



  • Import & Export of Tools Configuration
  • Task Web Link
  • Check box as Data Field
  • Package Deployment using RayManageSoft infinity
  • Job Management
  • Extension of Privileges for user type Project Manager
  • Improved My Appointments Page
  • Application Localization
  • User Import from Active Directory

For a detailed release information and full list of new features, improvements and resolved issues refer to the Release Notes document.

Date Published:


Requirements: See Release Notes document for hardware and software requirements
Applies to Version(s): -
Obsoletes: RayFlow.Web 2.0 and earlier
Restrictions/Known Issues:

The following is a summary of known issues present in RayFlow.Client 3.3

  • RF-1262: Phase view: Walking Column Chooser if the task grid is very wide
  • RF-1324: My Appointments: Long content in information/description break the layout
  • RF-1373: Layout problems with tab control elements when opening/closing the sidebar menu
  • RF-1451: MSI: Database connection string in web.config file is not updated
  • RF-1503: Custom fields not displayed in tracking
  • RF-2034: Menu entries must be visible in order to access to the desired page
  • RF-2183: CSV import action does not utilize the default values of a given datafield
  • RF-2228: Task is not protected after user assignment
  • RF-2247: HTML code cannot be used as filter
  • RF-2252: MyProfile - No required textbox tooltips on 'New'- and 'Confirm'-password textboxes
  • RF-2299: Phase view: Column Chooser is overlapped by Phase Bar
  • RF-2466: Phase view: Grid table page has not been followed the selected task on changed column sorting
  • RF-2469: Static Page HTML Editor: Insert copied text not possible
  • RF-2471: Quick reports: Print/Save button click result in endless loading
  • RF-2488: Task Label in Tracking should be configurable
  • RF-2535: Phase View: Global datafields not positioned right in grid
  • RF-2557: Upgrade to task factory, view permission for create phase required
  • RF-2601: Notifications shouldn't be sent based on the current state of the task
  • RF-2602: RF Web - Issue related to the standard installation of application with changes in catalog and file name
  • RF-2603: Status change causes incorrect notifications for "I am owner" condition
  • RF-2604: Notifications, "I am involved" condition not working correctly
  • RF-2605: Datafields Configuration Tab: Edit Group in Group Configuration impossible
  • RF-2606: Properties Service sometimes not showing all properties after project copy/import
  • RF-2613: Basic project template workflow configuration
  • RF-2614: Extended project template workflow configuration
  • RF-2633: Phase view - Wrong error message on accepting a task by user with only view rights
Installation Instructions: For detailed installation instructions refer to the RayFlow 2.1 Installation Guide.
Affects (Modules, Components, etc.): complete product
Linked Tickets/Development Tasks:


RF-1148, RF-1326, RF-1458, RF-1459,
RF-1523, RF-1530, RF-1531, RF-1573,
RF-1583, RF-1591, RF-1599, RF-1603,
RF-1632, RF-1637, RF-1662, RF-1665,
RF-1715, RF-1726, RF-1733, RF-1804,
RF-1820, RF-1830, RF-1869, RF-1887,
RF-1927, RF-1960, RF-1970, RF-1972,
RF-1976, RF-1994, RF-2000, RF-2020,
RF-2037, RF-2038, RF-2039, RF-2041,
RF-2046, RF-2047, RF-2054, RF-2062,
RF-2086, RF-2117, RF-2139, RF-2140,
RF-2187, RF-2199, RF-2205, RF-2225,
RF-2227, RF-2236, RF-2249, RF-2254,
RF-2255, RF-2360, RF-2393, RF-2421,
RF-2443, RF-2640, RF-2735, RF-2752,
RF-2754, RF-2780

See Release Notes document for more details

Verification Hash (SHA1): cbbe4b6c4ca0eb045b65254d8ae6a842567698d7
Download Location:
FTP Server: file.raynet.de
User: rayflow-kd
Password: XKQJEd!



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