RPK200798: Release Notes: RayPack 7.2.6698.3441 [Update 1]

Release Notes: RayPack 7.2.6698.3441 [Update 1]

Type: Full Product

New features and improvements

  • Integrated new version of Package Store, giving access to a large library of pre-configured packages apps. [RPK-4538]
  • Extended the list of supported operating systems in the Intune Deployment Wizard [RPK-4518]
  • Improved conversion of ODBC entries from RCP to App-V. [RPK-4554] [ZEN-19607]
  • Improved performance of INI file building from RCP projects. [RPK-4525] [ZEN-19356]
  • It is now possible to drag and drop Registry entries between local browser and project view. [RPK-4533] [ZEN-19309] [ZEN-19608]
  • When importing a REG file with special MSI characters, RayPack now asks whether to treat them literally or as MSI properties. [RPK-4534] [ZEN-19309] [ZEN-19608]
  • Pressing F1 (to open contextual help) now reuses previously opened windows. [RPK-1974]
  • When importing an invalid .reg key, RayPack no longer creates an empty component for the new content. [RPK-4577]

Resolved issues

  • Fixed an issue, where the first or the second snapshot could fail while repackaging on a virtual machine. [RPK-4547]
  • Resolved minor UI bugs and issues in MSIX Designer. [RPK-4463]
  • Fixed an issue, where saving of MST file for the second time could not complete. [RPK-4527] [RPK-4531] [ZEN-19743]
  • Fixed importing of DLL containing multiple icons in MSI project. [RPK-3684]
  • Fixed not-working pinning of MSI apps to the taskbar. [RPK-3761]
  • Fixed an issue with command line tool RpCmd.exe, where it was not possible to sign packages while converting from .rcp to .msi / .msix using parameters -Certificate and -Password. [RPK-4512] [RPK-4520][RPK-4522]
  • Fixed an issue, where COM TypeLib entries and registry keys could be duplicated in the UI, after making manual changes in the Tables view. [RPK-4519] [RPK-4576] [ZEN-19309] [ZEN-19608]
  • Fixed an issue with import of nested files structure in PSADT projects. [RPK-4520]
  • Fixed a possible crash when removing a previously added fix up in the MSIX editor. [RPK-4524]
  • Fixed handling of parameters for functions Get-InstalledApplication, Execute-MSI, Execute-Process and RemoveMSIApplications in PSADT projects. [RPK-4529] [RPK-4530] [RPK-4535] [RPK-4537]
  • Fixed an issue, where the packaging was not possible on machines where the Windows Defender feature was not installed. [RPK-4542] [ZEN-19577]
  • Fixed an issue with MSI shortcut editor, where some localized texts were overlapping the content. [RPK-4545]
  • Fixed adjusting of complex conditions after removing an MSI property with row tracking enabled. [RPK-4578] [ZEN-19309] [ZEN-19608]
  • Fixed an UI issue with missing description and example of usage for PSADT functions. [RPK-4559]
  • Fixed a warning shown, when saving a PSADT project, that removes a registry key. [RPK-4595]
  • Fixed an issue with creation of MST files from RCP projects. [RPK-4596]
  • Fixed an exception when generating executable bootstrapper for MSI projects. [RPK-4591]
  • Fixed minor bugs with MSIX Registry handling (adding and removal). [RPK-4601] [RPK-4600]
  • Fixed an exception when changing signature in Build Options, followed by starting of an MSIX build. [RPK-4604]
Date Published: 2022/08/29
Requirements: Refer to the Release Notes document for Hardware and Software requirements

Installation Instructions:

To install RayPack follow the instructions in the RayPack User Guide

Download Location:

FTP Server: file.raynet.de
User: raypackstudio-kd
Password: 74(4346fU342


Download from Raynet FTP



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