RVY200791: Release Notes: RayVentory Data Hub 12.3.4537.38 [Update 4]

Release Notes: RayVentory Data Hub 12.3.4537.38 [Update 4]


Type: Full Product

Resolved issues:

  • Resolved multiple issues which may lead to catalog recognition, leaving some raw data unrecognized. [RR-3172]
  • Fixed connector Microsoft 365 returning error HTTP Exception 400 Bad Request when fetching app usage data. [RR-3242]

Security improvements:

  • Fixed a security issue (CVSS 3.1 scoring = 4.3) where a user outside  of the Data Administrator group could get access to the list of tasks via REST API. [RR-3242]
  • Fixed a possible XSS injection in the history of changes view, where the input from the user was not properly escaped (CVSS 3.1 scoring = 4.6). [RR-3181]
  • Fixed a possible XSS injection using the file storage (CVSS 3.1 scoring = 4.6). [RR-2860]
  • Removed detailed stack trace from exceptions in case finding a task by table name fails. (CVSS 3.1 scoring = 5.3). [RR-2859]
Date Published: 2022/08/12
Requirements: Refer to the Release Notes document for Hardware and Software requirements
Installation Instructions: Detailed instructions for the installation can be found in the RayVentory Data Hub 12.3 User Guide.


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