RTS200787: Release Notes: RayQC Advanced 7.2.5120.34 [Update 1]


Release Notes: RayQC Advanced 7.2.5120.34 [Update 1]


Title: RTS700787: RayQC Advanced 7.2.5120.34 [Update 1]

Resolved issues:


  • Fixed inconsistent collision tests results between RayQC Advanced and RayPack. [RTS-2447]
  • POWERSHELL Fixed an exception error thrown while trying to use the Get-Package command let. [RTS-2445]
  • Fixed broken console dialog button in product settings. [RTS-2442]
  • Fixed minor navigation and UI issues in the Test wizard. [RTS-2441]
  • Re-added missing Add button in the New Custom Field dialog. [RTS-2444]
  • Fixed warnings when trying to change the database server from the UI. [RTS-2446]
Date Published: 2022/07/20
Requirements: Refer to the Release Notes document for Hardware and Software requirements
Installation Instructions: To install RayQC Advanced, follow the instructions in the RayQC Advanced User Guide

Download Location:

FTP Server: file.raynet.de
User: raypackstudio-kd
Password: 74(4346fU342


Download from Raynet FTP


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