RVL200757 - Known Issue: RVSE 12.2 SP5 HTTP service no longer accepts ndtrack uploads


When ndtrack uploads its NDI files, it automatically adds /Inventories onto its upload URL, so that it can successfully upload to the RayManageSoft/RayVentory backend server for database processing. 

As the RayVentory Scan Engine (RVSE) has its own HTTP service, but has a different file system structure, its service is configured to accept uploads from ndtrack by ignoring the /Inventories suffix. 



It has been found that the 12.2 SP5 version of the HTTP service no longer behaves in this expected manner, causing ndtrack uploads to fail with an HTTP 404 error recorded in its tracker log: 




The HTTP service has an error associated with its header function. 



Until this error has been addressed in a future release of the product, the current workaround is to include a Curl parameter within ndtrack's command line. 


Windows 10 1803 and later - Add the following after the Upload=True parameter as Curl is included with these operating systems by default: 

-o UploadCurl=True

Customers with earlier versions of Windows will need to download and install the 32bit version of Curl beforehand. 


Customers with non-Windows operating systems may also have to download and install Curl beforehand, so they should check if Curl is already present or not by trying to run curl from a terminal.  The following command should then be added after the Upload=True parameter: 

-o UseCurl=True


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