RQC200656: RayQC 6.5

Title: RQC200656: RayQC 6.5
Type: Full Product


For a detailed release information and full list of new features, improvements and resolved issues refer to the Release Notes document.

Date Published:


Requirements: Refer to the Release Notes document for Hardware and Software requirements
Applies to Version(s):  -
Obsoletes: RayQC 6.2 and earlier
Restrictions/Known Issues:  -


Installation Instructions: To install RayQC follow the instructions in the RayQC User Guide
Affects (Modules, Components, etc.): complete product
Linked Tickets/Development Tasks:

Reference number:

RPK-3501; RPK-3822;

RQC-969; RQC-970; RQC-971; RQC-1799;


See Release Notes document for more details


Verification Hash (SHA256):

515F38FBB916133AB9A3B70D9E2F5864E97D486F971E725E8AE67AA537D09A98 *RayPackStudio 6.5.zip

Download Location:

FTP Server: file.raynet.de
User: raypackstudio-kd
Password: NkNCWn!



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