Version: RayVentory ScanEngine 12.0.2296.170 and later
The Portable Inventory Solution is a set of files which allow to configure scheduled tasks on clients to generate and upload inventory files. Included Windows scripts are Powershell and Batch files. Included Linux/Unix scripts are BASH files.
The Portable Inventory Solution can be found in the installation path of the RayVentory Scan Engine under C:\Program Files (x86)\RayVentoryScanEngine\Contrib\ndtrackAgent.
Generating an inventory
To generate inventory files two types of scripts are included:
1. Scripts to generate an inventory.
Those scripts will generate a local NDI file that should be transferred to the RayVentory server manually.
- RunNdTrackWindows_Local.cmd
2. Scripts to generate and upload an inventory.
Those scripts will generate and upload NDI files to a configured URL.
- RunNdTrackWindows_Upload.cmd
Both types of scripts are implemented to support Microsoft Windows and Unix/Linux systems.
Prerequisites for upload functionality
In order to be able to use the upload scripts, some preparations are required:
1. Adjust the "UPLOADURL" variable in the scripts that support upload of inventory (, RunNdTrackWindows_Upload.cmd)
to target a valid reporting location of a RayVentory server.
Usually it should look like this: http(s)://<RayVentoryServerFQDN>/ManageSoftRL/
2. Generate and include a "uploadercreds.dat" file with the user credentials that are allowed to upload to specified upload URL.
This file can be generated by the RayVentory Server administrator using the "Credentials Store Writer" tool that can be found inside the Portable Inventory Solution folder and in the installation directory of your RayVentory server.
Start the credstoregui executable and provide the proper credentials to generate the "uploadercreds.dat" file. Add the file to the Windows/non-Windows folder.
Setting up a scheduled task
In case the inventory scans should be executed repeatedly, there are scripts included for setting up a scheduled task.
For MS Windows:
- InstallNdTrackScanUploadSchedule.ps1
By default the scheduled task is set to run weekly every Saturday at 04:00 ("/SC weekly /d SAT /ST 04:00").
It will run the "RunNdTrackWindows_Upload.cmd" script on trigger.
See for more details in case the repetition interval needs to be adjusted.
For Unix/Linux:
By default the scheduled task is set to run weekly every Saturday at 04:00 ("0 4 * * 6" - 4 o'clock on every 6th day of the week). Make sure to run this script with the bash command (not just sh).
It will run the "" script on trigger.
See*_*_6 for more details in case the repetition interval needs to be adjusted.