In order to perform an Oracle inventory scan, a user with certain permissions is required. RVY200503 lists those permissions and also includes a script that can be modified to suit your envronment.
Oracle Discovery
If you are not certain as to which devices are hosting your Oracle instances, then performing an Oracle discovery will need to be performed.
For this to work, a local administrative account is required on Windows devices, and a SUDO account for non-Windows devices (RVY200350).
Oracle Zero Touch
This is the preferred inventory method, especially if you know which devices are hosting your Oracle instances.
Oracle connections can easily be created within the RayVentory Portal by importing your tnsnames.or file(s).
We also recommend installing SQLPlus (RVY200506) so that you can utilise its script which can be obtained by logging into Oracle's support portal (ID1317265.1).
The host devices can also have their OS inventory scans performed in this manner. RVY200347 describes what permissions are required for Windows devices, and RVY200442 does this for non.Windows devices.
Local Inventory
If neither remote execution nor zero touch methods are allowed in your environment, one can always fall back to performing a local inventory scan on devices that host Oracle instances.
This can be achieved by either installing the RayVentory Agent or deploying a portable inventory package.
Portable package requirements:
- Add Java & Oracle directories to the PATH environment
- The Oracle variables must be configured under the user that will run the scan so that SQL Plus can be called
- Use the latest ndtrack & oratrack binaries which can be found in the following locations
RayVentory Server
RayVentory Server 11.4 + RayVentory Portal 11.4
RayVentory Portal
- Determine the version of Java that is running on the Oracle host
- The schedule needs to be run under a local administrator context for Windows devices
- The schedule must be run with a SUDO account that can obtain all hardware inventory data for non-Windows
- Scheduler command line for Windows inventory
ndtrack.exe -t Machine -o UploadLocation=http(s)://{server}/ManagesoftRL/Inventories
- Scheduler command line for non-Windows inventory
SUDO -t Machine -o UploadLocation=http(s)://{server}/ManagesoftRL/Inventories
- RVY200498 contains example command lines for Oracle inventory
Note It is possible to exclude database when performing an Oracle inventory, which is especially useful when a customer has StandBy databases as these cannot be inventoried when in standby mode. The following example excludes all databases that start with STANDBY_:
-o 'ignorenames = CLRExtProc; EXTPROC; PLSExtProc; ^ STANDBY _. * $'