RVY200609: How to install the non-Windows Agent

Preparation Instructions

On your Windows Server installation, navigate to <PathToRelease_<Version>>/Server/Deployment Manager/ManageSoft/Managed Devices or to <installation source>\RayVentory\LocalDeployment\Packages\ManageSoft\ManageSoft for managed devices\11.4.0\Rev1.0\

In this directory you will find a subfolder for each supported managed device type (e. g. MacOS, Debian, …). Please copy the corresponding folder to your target machine (e. g. Linux Debian X86_64).

Please open this folder, you will find a file “mgssetup.sh” there. Open this file to edit the relevant lines to match your environment configurations and copy it afterwards to the linux device. The content of mgssetup.sh should look as follows.



# The ManageSoft domain name.  Refer to the ManageSoft

# documentation for further details.

MGSFT_DOMAIN_NAME= <Domainname or 'ManageSoft'>


# The policy path specifies the location of the policy to be applied to

# the managed device.  This is typically used when the policy is not

# attached to Active Directory domains.  For example, a path may be

# "Policies/Merged/MANAGESOFT_domain/Machine/device.npl".  Not specifying

# this setting or a value of NONE disables this feature.

MGSFT_POLICY_PATH= "Policies/Merged/ManageSoft_domain/Machine/managesoft default configuration policy v1.0.0.0.npl"

# The initial ManageSoft download location(s) for the installation.

# For example, http://myhost.mydomain.com/ManageSoftDL/

# Refer to the ManageSoft documentation for further details.



# The initial ManageSoft reporting location(s) for the installation.

# For example, http://myhost.mydomain.com/ManageSoftRL/

# Refer to the ManageSoft documentation for further details.



# The initial proxy configuration.  Uncomment these to enable proxy configuration.

# Note that MGSFT_PROXY and MGSFT_NO_PROXY are not supported on Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X.

# Note that setting values of NONE disables this feature.

# MGSFT_HTTP_PROXY=http://webproxy.local:3128

# MGSFT_HTTPS_PROXY=https://webproxy.local:3129

# MGSFT_PROXY=socks:socks.socksproxy.local:19121,direct

# MGSFT_NO_PROXY=internal1.local,internal2.local


# The run policy flag determines if policy will run after installation.

#    "1" or "Yes" will run policy after install

#    "0" or "No" will not run policy




Please note: If you want to use HTTPS, verify to use the appropriate URLs for upload and download. Please make sure that your URLs have the following format:




Installation Instructions

Manual installation

Save your changes and right-click on the mgssetup.sh file now. In the context menu, navigate to properties. There you will find a tab for permissions. Please check the box “Allow executing file as program” here and close the properties menu.


Optional: navigate to the path, where you stored the adoption package via terminal and enter the following command: chmod +x mgssetup.sh


Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the adoption package has been copied and execute the following command with super user permissions:


mgssetup.sh will create a file mgsft_rollout_response in the following path: /var/tmp


The mgsft_rollout_response is very important as it enables you to perform a silent installation and configuration of the adoption package without adopting it via Administration Server.

On each Linux- or Unix-device you would like to adopt, make sure to copy the file mgsft_rollout_response to the path /var/tmp.

After this, navigate back to the directory where the installation package corresponding to your target system is located. For Debian system the installation package ends with “.deb” and you will need to execute the following command for installation (as root):


Now the installation package will be installed without any user interaction. The agent applications (such as selector) will be found in /opt/managesoft


Automated installation via script

For automated installation via script, please copy the directoy which contains “managesoft-debian-installer.sh” as well as the whole structure to your target device.

Note: The installer package contains a file “mgsft_rollout_response” by default. This file has to be edited to match the requirements of your environment before you copy it to the target device(s).

The mgsft_rollout_response is the file generated by performing mgssetup.sh as  described in “Preparation Instructions”.

You may edit the mgsft_rollout_response directly by changing the lines for MGSFT_DOMAIN_NAME, MGSFT_BOOTSTRAP_UPLOAD, MGSFT_BOOTSTRAP_DOWNLOAD, and MGSFT_POLICY_PATH according to your system requirements.

After copying, perform the following steps:


Open a terminal


Navigate to the location where you have stored the whole directory of the installer and it’s installation sources


Navigate into the directory that contains the file “managesoft-debian-installer.sh”


Make the installer script executable by performing the following command: chmod +x managesoft-debian-installer.sh


Perform the automated installation by running the following command as root:



Setup should have installed the package successfully and configured it as necessary


Package Management

This chapter describes how to import a Debian package into RMS Administration Server.

1. Create a copy of the existing ManageSoft for Debian Linux (amd64) Managed Devices package



2. Edit the copied package, verify that the information regarding the package are correct



3. Add dependencies to the package, if necessary



4. Add the Debian install package into the ManageSoft package directory (into the subfolder “deb”)

5. Distribute the created package.


HTTPS setup

If your RayManageSoft or RayVentory administration server is using the HTTPS protocol for communication, please check if the correct values are stored in the managesoft.xconf file on your managed device by performing the following steps:

1. Open the file /var/opt/managesoft/etc/managesoft.xconf by using a text editor

2. Find the section regarding <httpsclient-source> and verify that its content looks as follows:


Make sure, the value of parameter “socket-factory” equals “com.managesoft.networking.ssl.sunjsse.EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory”

This should be set by default.


For setup before installation, please refer section “Preparation Instructions” since it’s important for configuration HTTPS access to your Administration Server.



Check the installation

1. Change the access permissions for the managesoft install path to 777 (full access) by executing chmod:



2. Open up a terminal and navigate to /opt/managesoft/bin.

Now execute ndschedag –e to display the currently running schedules:



3. All relevant log files are stored under the following path: /var/opt/managesoft/log


The log files shown contain information regarding different components of the agent.

Relevant log files:

installation.log(.00000x) – here you can find information regarding the download and installation of packages

tracker.log – here you can find information regarding inventory generation

upload.log – here you can find information regarding upload

4. Please analyze the following configuration files as well: download.xconf and upload.xconf. These files contain the up- and download locations for your RMS/RV Administration Server. They are located at /var/opt/managesoft/etc.





5. To ensure if the config file is on the device open the terminal and display the folder content:

ls /var/opt/managesoft/cache/package/ClientConfiguration/Managed\ Device\ Default\ Configuration/



6. To ensure if the policy file is downloaded, open the terminal and display the folder content:

ls /var/opt/managesoft/Policies/Merged/ManageSoft_domain/Machine/






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