This article requires Hotfix RMS-4731
- Windows XP or later on the client
- Windows Server 2003 or later
- 100 MB of free disk space
- Download and extract the file.
FTP details
User: rayventory-kd
Folder: /Toolbox/StandAloneAgent/
Basic Configuration:
In the StandAloneAgent folder, there is a file called "mgssetup.ini". This file can be configured to suit your needs.
At bare minimum, the following things need to be configured in the mgssetup.ini:
val3 = RayVentoryServerFQDN (Change to FQDN of your RayVentory Server)
val4 = 80 (Change to port your HTTP Service is listing on, if TLS is used 443 is default)
val6 = http (Change to https if needed)
If you are using Basic or Windows Authentication:
You need to remove the “;” in front of desc7, val7, desc8 and val8
val7 = UploadUser (Replace with Username)
val8 = UploadUserPassword (Replace with Password)
The Password needs to be encrypted using credstoregui.exe. Per default it is located on your RayVentory Server “C:\Program Files (x86)\RayVentoryServer\DotNet\Bin”.
Agent Configuration:
Further configurations can be done inside the Managed Device Default Configuration.ndc which is in \Managed Device Default Configuration:
Line 31: Specify whether to execute any custom inventory scripts found by plugins: default is “true”
Line 46: Specify whether the application usage agent is inactive on this managed device: default is “true”
Line 66: Specify whether the application usage agent should only monitor applications that are executed by a logged in user: default is “true”
Line 76: Specify how often the application usage agent caches recorded data locally: default is “600” (value in seconds)
Line 78: Specify how long the usage agent should wait before starting: default is “300” (value in seconds)
Line 81: Specify how often the usage agent should upload recorded data: default is “3600” (value in seconds)
To disable custom inventory scripts put “//” in front of the script you want to disable (line 130 to 138.)
Usage Agent Configuration:
If enabled the Usage Agent will meter every application (OS related services will not be included) that is being used on the system.
To restrict the metering to a list of applications it is possible to add a whitelist to the Agent.
<Process Path="\\winword\.exe" Regex="true"/>
<Process Path="\\powerpnt\.exe" Regex="true"/>
<Process Path="\\teams\.exe" Regex="true"/>
<Process Path="\\outlook\.exe" Regex="true"/>
This file needs to be saved as “whitelisted.xml” in “C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageSoft\Security Agent”
Remote Desktop Agent Configuration:
If you want to enable metering of remote desktop sessions, you need to uncomment Line 14 to 23 in the Default Machine Schedule.nds which is in \Managed Device Default Schedule.
Schedule Configuration:
The Scheduled tasks get configured via the Default Machine Schedule.nds which is in \Managed Device Default Schedule.
<Event ID="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}" CATCHUP="Once" NAME="Generate Inventory" NETWORK="False" IDLEDURATION="518400">
<LogicalCommand COMPONENT="Tracker" ACTION="Report" PARAM=" -o UserInteractionLevel=Quiet"/>
<Trigger TYPE_PARAM="1" TIMESTART="110000" DATESTART="20031008" TIMEWINDOW="14400" TYPE="Daily"/>
This schedule will trigger an inventory every day at 11:00h until it succeeded. Then it will stop for 6 Days.
<Event ID="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002}" CATCHUP="All" NAME="Upload Client Files" NETWORK="True" IDLEDURATION="86400">
<LogicalCommand PARAM="-a" COMPONENT="Uploader" ACTION="Upload"/>
<Trigger TYPE_PARAM="1" TIMESTART="130000" DATESTART="20200422" TYPE="Daily"/>
This schedule will trigger an upload every day at 13:00h and will run again after 24 hours.
Parameters which can be changed:
CATCHUP=If a trigger is missed should the last missed action repeated? Possible settings are None, Once, All
IDLEDURATION=If an action succeeded pause for “defined” seconds
TIMEWINDOW=The action will be executed in this time frame (defined in seconds)
TIMESTART=Defines when the action will run
Installation of the Agent:
Run the "install.cmd" script as Administrator in the command line.
For fully silent installation please adjust the install.cmd: Change /qb to /qn.
Trigger Tasks manually:
Run "ndschedag -t machine" as Administrator and right click the Task you want to run and select "Run".
Gathering of Inventory and Usage data:
During operation of the Managed Device Agent, new inventory files will be stored in:
%ProgramData%\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Common\Uploads\Inventories
File name pattern: *.ndi.gz
Gathering of Usage Data:
Usage Data files will be stored in:
%ProgramData%\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Common\Uploads\Usage Data
File name pattern: *.mmi.gz
File handling:
The prefix of each file name contains the computer name and a time stamp. So, the number of files increase periodically.
All files are compressed using standard settings (GNU-Zip format).
To collect those files, we recommend to:
- Search for new files in both folders mentioned above
- Copy each file to another (central) location (e.g. to the corresponding “Incoming” folder of a central Administration Server of RayVentory or RayManageSoft)
- Delete each file from the local computer system after successful copy
Remark: ProgramData on Windows XP is “{WinDrive}\Documents and Settings\All Users”
Gathering of Remote Session Usage Data:
Please see the following article:
Check Inventory Schedule
To verify your installation, run "ndschedag -t machine" as Administrator in order to see whether the schedule did install.
If you don't see any schedule here, run the following command as is with all quotation marks included:
CMD /C ""%ProgramFiles(x86)%\ManageSoft\Schedule Agent\ndschedag.exe" -o ScheduleType=Machine "%ProgramData%\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Schedule\Standalone Inventory Metering.nds""
Check Managed Device Logs
The Deployment Manager stores log files in ‘{Windows}\temp\ManageSoft‘. However, not every log might be populated right after the installation as some schedules might not have run yet. Please wait a few hours after installation to check these logs.
Uninstall of the Agent
The agent can be uninstalled by normal procedures, like using system control panel Add/Remove programs or msiexec uninstall command.
Some individual settings, log files and inventory data may remain on the system.
For a full uninstall check the following locations for rest items:
- Folder “{Windows}\Temp\ManageSoft”
- Folder “{ProgramData}\ManageSoft Corp”
- Folders “{User}\AppData\Local\Temp\ManageSoft”
- Registry “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ManageSoft Corp”
- Registry “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ManageSoft Corp” on 64Bit-Windows
- “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ManageSoft Corp” on 32Bit-Windows