RVY200498: Oracle Local Inventory Scan

The oratrack.jar is available in two version’s:
-  “oratrack.jar” that does support java 1.6 or higher and
- “oratrack5.jar” that does support java 1.5

Single sign-on

If the user that will be used for the scan has granted permission to the Oracle DB you can use the following command:


java -jar oratrack[5].jar -o auto=local –o dfusScript={Path to file}/option_packs_usage_statistics.sql -0 user={Username}
–o pass={Password}
–o upload=https://{server}/ManageSoftRL/inventories/
-o checkCertificate=false

Oracle 11g or older (with integrated Java):

$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre/bin/java -jar oratrack5.jar
-o auto=local
–o dfusScript={Path to file}/option_packs_usage_statistics.sql
-o user={Username}
–o pass={Password} –o https://{server}/ManageSoftRL/inventories/
-o checkCertificate=false


Oracle 12c or newer (with integrated Java):

$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre/bin/java -jar oratrack.jar
-o auto=local
–o dfusScript={Path to File}/option_packs_usage_statistics.sql
-0 user={Username}
–o pass={Password}
–o upload=https://{server}/ManageSoftRL/inventories/
-o checkCertificate=false

Option Description
-o auto=local Search for tnsnames.ora and listener.ora and scans only on this server.
-o auth=false Create no authentification file
-o dfusScript Path and filename to the script "option_pack_usage_statistics.sql" incoming from Oracle Server.

Separate Oracle User

Separate Users have be logged in with the same Command, with their credentials instead.

Option Description
-o user={User} User that will be used for accessing the database
-o pass={Password} Password of the user that will be used for accessing the database
-o upload= Path to upload the inventory
-o CheckCertificate=

false= No certificate ceck necessary

If a certificate check is wanted, it hast to be loaded from JAVA Certificate Store separately.

Additional parameter
The oratrack.jar does provide more parameter, e.g. to connect to a secure connection. Hint: Please read the help of oratrack.jar for further information:
                     java -jar oratrack.jar -h



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