This article describes the steps required to upgrade the RayVentory Portal.
- Navigate to "About > License and Edition" within the UI and open the license wizard:
If 11.3 is not displayed contact Raynet support to have your RVP license updated and a new RSL file issued if you cannot reactivate the product via the internet.
- Ensure that no scheduled tasks are running:
- Navigate to the following registry key to find RVP related paths:
If disk space permits, back-up the entire RayVentoryPortal directory; otherwise, back-up just the Config folder.
- Navigate to "Settings > Inventory > Zero-Touch > Windows" within the UI:
If that field is populated, back-up the XML file.
- Navigate to RVP's installation directory's Contrib folder:
Back-up any files that have been added or modified within those locations. The most common ones will be VBS files within the ".\ndtrack\plugins\" sub-folder and the ".\ndtrack\wmitrack.ini" file.
- Navigate to "Settings > Inventory > Remote Execution" within the UI:
If this field is populated, back-up any files that have been added or modified within these locations, as per the Contrib folder.
Note: If the Contrib folder was used as the source of truth concerning ndtrack and Oracle related files, then there should be no need to back-up this remote execution directory as those files have already been backed-up.
- Uninstall RVP via Programs and Features:
- If the installation directory still exists, review its remaining files to see if they are still required, and delete those that are not:
In this example, my back-up of the original 11.2 INI file and my VBS plugin files remain. The VBS files were kept and the INI file deleted.
Double-click the 11.3 MSI file and the follow its wizard:
Change the destination folder if required.
If the existing license is not already set to 11.3, choose either the Order Number or License File options in order to implement the updated license that was obtained during the prerequisite phase of this upgrade process.
Post Installation
- Refer to your RVP 11.2 configuration document and check that the settings that have been recorded in it still exists within the UI, and if not, either correct them via the UI or revert to the relevant backed-up ProgramData XML file (Close the UI and stop the relevant service beforehand).
- Create a new RemoteWmiInventory 'example.xml' file if one was used with the previous RVP installation and then refer to your RVP configuration document so that you can add the required modifications to this 11.3 version of the XML file by means of copy-paste from the backed-up 11.2 file.
- If remote execution is utilised:
- Implement the backed up INI (the 11.2 file will have been deleted during the uninstall) and VBS (these should have remained after the uninstall) files if they are missing.
- Press the [Install Scan Utilities] button to have the share updated with the 11.3 binaries.
- Review the 11.3 release notes and user guide in order to find out what new features have been included and how to configure them.