RVY200448: How to utilise RVP 11.1 from a USB stick


This article describes how the RayVentory Portal (RVP) 11.1 can be run from a USB stick if it cannot be installed within a specific environment. 



  • RayVentoryPortal_<version>.msi file. 
  • Non-HWID RVP RSL file. 
  • USB stick (156MB for application plus space for NDI files). 



Administrative installation of MSI


USB Stick

  • Copy the "D:\RayVentoryPortal_11.1.1346.45\ProgramFiles\RayVentoryPortal\" folder to the root of the USB stick. 
  • Extract the attached 'RVP4USB.zip' file to the root of the USB stick. 




  • After attaching the USB stick to the target device, open the ".\Raynet\RayVentoryPortal\Config\Config.xml" file in an XML editor. 
  • If the drive letter for the USB stick is not 'F' then change it for the orange highlighted values. 

  • Change the red highlighted values to match the devices hostname. 
  • Share the USB sticks drive letter as a hidden share, assigning the Everyone group Full Control share permissions. 


Remote WMI

If the zero touch Windows inventory scan should either not bring in all of its default information or if it should interrogate files, the registry or WMI for additional data, then modify the ".\ExampleRWI\example.xml" file. 



Place the non-HWID RSL file into the root of the ".\RayVentoryPortal\" directory. 




  • Double-click the ".\RayVentoryPortal\RayVentoryPortal.exe" file. 

  • Perform a discovery. 
  • Initiate an inventory scan method. 
  • The NDI files as well as any log files will be found within the ".\Raynet\RayVentoryPortal\Results\" location. 


Note 1:  The local scan, zero touch and remote execution scan methods all work from this implementation of the portal. 

Note 2:  Utilising the task scheduler is not possible with this implementation of the portal. 

Note 3:  Once all machines have been inventoried, the collected NDI files can either be manually copied to the RayVentory Server, or RVP's upload location can be configured with its URL and then sent to it that way. 



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