RVY200400: How to Configure Inventory Plugins for a Managed Device and a Local Scan


  • The Managed Device agent has to be installed.
  • The communication between the agent and the AS and DS is working.
  • The plugins have to be downloaded (RayVentory FTP)

Activating the Plugin

  1. Copy the plugins to the system that has the agent installed.
  2. Add the following registry keys to "HKLM\SOFTWARE\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Tracker\CurrentVersion" for x64 or "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Tracker\CurrentVersion" for x86:
    1. InventoryScriptsDir = [Path to the plugins-folder]
    2. RunInventoryScripts = "true"



Verify that the Activation has been Successful

  1. Open a CMD (Run as Administrator).
  2. Run the following command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageSoft\Schedule Agent\ndschedag.exe" -t machine. 
  3. Right-click the generate inventory event and choose it run option. 
  4. Check the tracker log file (C:\Windows\Temp\ManageSoft\tracker.log) for logging entries of the plugin.



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