RayFlow web application offers the possibility to customize the RayFlow instance behavior for some features. This kind of customization can be done via edition of related Properties settings:
Some customizations have to be done for each specific project where this behavior or display has to be changed. So, for example, the Create Phase view display of a specific project can be defined via web application in its Basic Configuration Properties settings. These changings have no effect to other projects.
Other customizations - more general ones - have to be done in "Default" project context like, for example, the Select Project page customization.
Overview of Properties
Following Properties can be used in RayFlow web application:
Property key | Property value | Description | Project context |
AdditionalLoginText |
text | Shows additional text below the Login box and buttons | "Default" project |
AdditionalLogoImage | path to image on RayFlow server | Shows an additional image above the Login box | "Default" project |
LoginBackColor | e. g. black or #000000 | Defines color of Login box and buttons | "Default" project |
LoginBackImage | path to image on RayFlow server | Shows customized back image on Login page | "Default" project |
LoginPortrait | path to image on RayFlow server | Defines portrait picture of the Login box | "Default" project |
FontColor | e. g. black or #000000 | Defines font color of Login box and buttons | "Default" project |
NewTaskText | text | Show/Hide description text on New task view | each project |
ShowCreateClone | true / false | Enable/Disable Clone view via New task view | each project |
ShowCreateImport | true / false | Enable/Disable Import view via New task view | each project |
ShowCreatePackCommander | true / false | Enable/Disable PackageStore view via New task view | each project |
ShowProfileOnDashboard | true / false | Show/Hide Profile section on Dashboard view | each project |
ShowProfileOnProjectSelection | true / false | Show/Hide Profile section on Select Project view | "Default" project |
ShowPropertiesTab | true / false | Show/Hide Properties tab on New task view | each project |
WelcomeMessageSelectProject | text | Body text of Welcome section on Select Project view | "Default" project |
WelcomeMessageSubtitle | text | Subtitle text of Welcome section on Select Project view | "Default" project |
WelcomeMessageTitle | text | Title text of Welcome section on Select Project view | "Default" project |
Instance customizations via Default project
Login page
The Login page can be modified to show customized sections, too. The screenshot below shows these sections and additional formatting information:
In that way the Login page can be customized for example like shown in the following screenshot:
Select Project page
The Select Project page can be modified to hide its Profile section and to customize the text that is displayed inside its Welcome section.
The screenshot below shows the Select Project page on hidden Profile section (ShowProfileOnProjectSelection=false) and modified Welcome section text (WelcomeMessageSelectProject=Customized title!; WelcomeMessageSubtitle=Our sub-title; WelcomeMessageTitle=This is the Welcome text...):
Project-internal customizations
Dashboard view
On Dashboard the Profile section can be shown or hidden by the ShowProfileOnDashboard property set to true or false value.
Create Phase view
On New task view it is possible to hide the standardly offered linkings to Clone, Import, and/or Packagestore views.
In following screenshot these properties have been set to false value and NewTaskText property is set to "This is my New Task text..." value:
The PROPERTIES tab on New task view can also be hidden via setting the ShowPropertiesTab property to false.