General Information
This document describes the steps required to install a working managed device, covering the managed device settings, schedules, mgssetup.ini, and policy.
Source Files
Preconfigured source files can be downloaded from
- Windows 7 or higher
- Dot Net Frameworks 3.5 and 4.0 (will be installed if not installed)
Steps for Install and configure
Start RayVentory via the run as Administrator option.
Press the [Yes] button so that RayVentory starts.
Press the „discovered devices“ tile in order to load the Devices snapin.
Scheduling Configuration and Distribution
- Press “Open scheduling editor” within the Scheduling snapin (It opens the Microsoft Management Console):
- Expand the “Default Machine Schedule” schedule and delete the “Update User Policy” trigger, by pressing the [Yes] button:
- Change the properties of the “Generate Inventory” trigger:
Advanced tab:
- Check “Do not rerun after success for:” option and set it to “7 day(s)”.
- Select “Run only the last event missed” option.
- Press the [OK] button.
- Change the properties of the “Update Machine Policy” trigger:
Advanced tab:
- Check “Do not rerun after success for” option and set it to “1 day(s)”.
- Select the “Run only the last event missed” option.
- Press the [OK] button.
- Change the properties of the “Update Failover Location” trigger:
Advanced tab:
- Check the “Do not rerun after success for” option and set it to “1 day(s)”.
- Select the “Run only the last event missed” option.
- Press the [OK] button.
- Change the properties of the “Upload Client Files” trigger:
Advanced tab:
- Check the “Do not rerun after success for” option and set it to “4 hour(s)”.
- Select the “Run only the last event missed” option.
- Press the [OK] button.
- Change the properties of the “Every 1 day(s)” event for the “Upload Client Files” trigger:
Advanced tab:
- Change the “Repeat the event every:” value to “1 hour(s)”.
- Press the [OK] button.
- Select the “Default Machine Schedule” schedule and then start the “Schedule Distribution Wizard”:
Press the [Next >] button.
Press the [Next >] button.
Press the [Add All] button to add all distribution locations to the ”Selected locations” list (example for the Distribution Locations).
Press the [Next >] button.
Press the [Next >] button.
(example for a Selection Summary)
Press the [Finish] button and then close the Microsoft Management Console.
Managed devices settings
- Navigate to “Devices > settings > managed devices”:
- Press “Open settings editor” (It opens the Microsoft Management Console):
- Select “Managed Device Default Configuration”.
- Choose “Edit this package”.
- Expand “Policy Agent” and select “Merging”:
- Select “Retry policy”.
- Press the [Add ->] button.
- Click “Save this package” and then “Finish editing this package”.
- Click “Distribute this package”:
Press the [Next] button.
Press the ]Next >] button.
Press the [Add All] button to add all distribution locations to the ”Selected locations” list (example for the Distribution Locations).
Press the ]Next >] button.
Press the ]Next >] button.
(example for a Summary)
Press the [Finish] button and then close the Microsoft Management Console.
- Select the “ManageSoft Default Configuration Policy v1.0.0.0” policy from within the Policies snap-in.
- Click on “EDIT”.
- Add the “Default Machine Schedule” schedule.
- Add the “Managed Device Default Configuration” MD settings.
- Click on “DISTRIBUTE”:
Press the [Next >] button.
Press the [Next >] button.
If either the managed device settings package and/or the schedule were not already distributed, they can be included with the policy distribution action.
Press the [Next >] button.
Press the [Add All] button to add all distribution locations to the ”Selected locations” list (example for the Distribution Locations).
Press the [Next >] button.
Press the [Next >] button.
(example for a Selection Summary)
Press the [Finish] button.
Create the agent package
Unzip the file downloaded from the FTP server and copy the "…\Server\Managed devices\Win32\" folder to “C:\Temp\Raynet\AgentenSetup\”
Copy the file “mgssetup.ini” from “…\temp\Raynet\AgentenSetup\Win32\Examples\” to
Edit the “…\temp\Raynet\AgentenSetup\Win32\mgsetup.ini” file.
Just the Core Distribution Server:
The following changes are required if only the core distribution server will be used.
BOOTSTRAPPEDPOLICY=$(DownloadRootURL)/Policies/Merged/MANAGESOFT_domain/Machine/ManageSoft Default Configuration Policy v1.0.0.0.npl
DEPLOYSERVERURL = http://<HostURL>/ManageSoftDL
(example “SRV2012DC.domain.local/ManageSoftDL”)
;That all Schedules allways are installed.
RUNCMD = $(ETCPInstallDir)\Launcher\ndlaunch.exe
RUNCMDARGS "-r $(DownloadRootURL)/Schedules/Default%20Machine%20Schedule/Default%20Machine%20Schedule.osd -o PkgType=Schedule -o UserInteractionLevel=Quiet
; Registry settings to be created under
; HKLM\Software\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Common
desc0 = MGSSetupIniApplied
val0 = True
desc1 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\AutoPriority
val1 = False
desc2 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Directory
val2 = /ManageSoftRL/
desc3 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Host
val3 = <Servername>
desc4 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Port
val4 = 80
;Port 80 -> http
;Port 443 -> https
desc5 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Priority
val5 = 100
desc6 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Protocol
val6 = http
;if val4 = 80 then http else if val4 = 443 then https
With multiple Distribution Servers:
The following changes are required if multiple distributions servers have been implemented.
BOOTSTRAPPEDPOLICY=$(DownloadRootURL)/Policies/Merged/MANAGESOFT_domain/Machine/ManageSoft Default Configuration Policy v1.0.0.0.npl
;That all Schedules allways are installed.
RUNCMD = $(ETCPInstallDir)\Launcher\ndlaunch.exe
RUNCMDARGS = "-r $(DownloadRootURL)/Schedules/Default%20Machine%20Schedule/Default%20Machine%20Schedule.osd -o PkgType=Schedule -o UserInteractionLevel=Quiet
; Registry settings to be created under
; HKLM\Software\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Common
desc0 = MGSSetupIniApplied
val0 = True
;Upload Settings for the Core Server
desc1 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\AutoPriority
val1 = False
desc2 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Directory
val2 = /ManageSoftRL/
desc3 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Host
val3 = <Servername>
desc4 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Port
val4 = 80
;Port 80 -> http
;Port 443 -> https
desc5 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Priority
val5 = 100
desc6 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Protocol
val6 = http
;if val4 = 80 then http else if val4 = 443 then https
;Upload Settings for the first Distribution Server
desc7 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\AutoPriority
val7 = False
desc8 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Directory
val8 = /ManageSoftRL/
desc9 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Host
val9 = <Servername 2>
desc10 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Port
val10 = 80
desc11 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Priority
val11 = 100
desc12 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Protocol
val12 = http
;Upload Settings for the second Distribution Server
; if no second Distribution Server
; then delete desc13-desc18 and val13-val18
desc13 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\AutoPriority
val13 = False
desc14 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Directory
val14 = /ManageSoftRL/
desc15 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Host
val15 = <Servername 3>
desc16 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Port
val16 = 80
desc17 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Priority
val17 = 100
desc18 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Protocol
val18 = http
;Download Settings for the Core Server
desc19 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\AutoPriority
val19 = False
desc20 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Directory
val20 = /ManageSoftDL/
desc21 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Host
val21 = <Servername>
desc22 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Port
val22 = 80
desc23 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Priority
val23 = 100
desc24 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Protocol
val24 = http
;Download Settings for the second Distribution Server
desc25 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\AutoPriority
val25 = False
desc26 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Directory
val26 = /ManageSoftDL/
desc27 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Host
val27 = <Servername 2>
desc28 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Port
val28 = 80
desc29 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Priority
val29 = 101
desc30 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Protocol
val30 = http
;Download Settings for the second Distribution Server
; if no second Distribution Server
; then delete desc31-desc36 and val31-val36
desc31 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\AutoPriority
val31 = False
desc32 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Directory
val32 = /ManageSoftDL/
desc33 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Host
val33 = <Servername 3>
desc34 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Port
val34 = 80
desc35 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Priority
val35 = 102
desc36 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Protocol
val36 = http
; If you use https with not signed certificates,
; it’s better to disable certificate checks
; for this remove ; in front by desc37-desc38 and val37-val38
;desc37 = CheckCertificateRevocation
;val37 = False
;desc38 = CheckServerCertificate
;val38 = False
- Copy the “…\temp\Raynet\AgentenSetup\Win32\” folder to the computer where the agent must be installed.
- Run the following syntax from within an administrative command window:
msiexec.exe /i “…\Win32\ManageSoft for managed devices.Msi” /qn
- Navigate to the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Common\DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\” registry key and review its string values:
- Make the same steps with the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Common\UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\” key:
If these entries exist, the policy has been run.
- Run the following syntax from within an administrative command window:
"%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\ManageSoft\Schedule Agent\ndschedag.exe" –t Machine
- Select events (1. Generate Inventory, 2. Upload Client Files) and start their triggers.
- Press the [OK] button to close the UI.
- Check log files (“tracker.log” and “uploader.log”) which are found within the “%WINDIR%\Temp\ManageSoft\” and “%Temp%\ManageSoft\” directories:
- The Client should now be visible in the “Inventory Overview” report (Data processing can take a few minutes):
Select the hostname of the new device to see detailed inventory information)