RVY200349: Managed Device configuration and installation for RayVentory


General Information

This document describes the steps required to install a working managed device, covering the managed device settings, schedules, mgssetup.ini, and policy.


Source Files

Preconfigured source files can be downloaded from https://ftp.raynet.de

                Example:-  RayVentory.2017-12-08.001.zip



  1. Windows 7 or higher
  2. Dot Net Frameworks 3.5 and 4.0 (will be installed if not installed)



Steps for Install and configure

Start RayVentory via the run as Administrator option.

Press the [Yes] button so that RayVentory starts.  

Press the „discovered devices“ tile in order to load the Devices snapin.


Scheduling Configuration and Distribution

  1. Press “Open scheduling editor” within the Scheduling snapin (It opens the Microsoft Management Console):

  1. Expand the “Default Machine Schedule” schedule and delete the “Update User Policy” trigger, by pressing the [Yes] button:

  1. Change the properties of the “Generate Inventory” trigger:

Advanced tab:

  • Check “Do not rerun after success for:” option and set it to “7 day(s)”.
  • Select “Run only the last event missed” option.
  • Press the [OK] button.





  1. Change the properties of the “Update Machine Policy” trigger:

Advanced tab:

  • Check “Do not rerun after success for” option and set it to “1 day(s)”.
  • Select the “Run only the last event missed” option.
  • Press the [OK] button.





  1. Change the properties of the “Update Failover Location” trigger:

Advanced tab:

  • Check the “Do not rerun after success for” option and set it to “1 day(s)”.
  • Select the “Run only the last event missed” option.
  • Press the [OK] button.





  1. Change the properties of the “Upload Client Files” trigger:

Advanced tab:

  • Check the “Do not rerun after success for” option and set it to “4 hour(s)”.
  • Select the “Run only the last event missed” option.
  • Press the [OK] button.




  1. Change the properties of the “Every 1 day(s)” event for the “Upload Client Files” trigger:

Advanced tab:

  • Change the “Repeat the event every:” value to “1 hour(s)”.
  • Press the [OK] button.




  1. Select the “Default Machine Schedule” schedule and then start the “Schedule Distribution Wizard”:

 Press the [Next >] button.

 Press the [Next >] button.

Press the [Add All] button to add all distribution locations to the ”Selected locations” list (example for the Distribution Locations). 


 Press the [Next >] button.

 Press the [Next >] button.

(example for a Selection Summary)



Press the [Finish] button and then close the Microsoft Management Console.



Managed devices settings


  1. Navigate to “Devices > settings > managed devices”:

  1. Press “Open settings editor” (It opens the Microsoft Management Console):

  • Select “Managed Device Default Configuration”.
  • Choose “Edit this package”.




  1. Expand “Policy Agent” and select “Merging”:

  • Select “Retry policy”.
  • Press the [Add ->] button.
  • Click “Save this package” and then “Finish editing this package”.




  1. Click “Distribute this package”:

 Press the [Next] button.

 Press the ]Next >] button.  

Press the [Add All] button to add all distribution locations to the ”Selected locations” list (example for the Distribution Locations). 


 Press the ]Next >] button.

 Press the ]Next >] button.

(example for a Summary)



Press the [Finish] button and then close the Microsoft Management Console.




  1. Select the “ManageSoft Default Configuration Policy v1.0.0.0” policy from within the Policies snap-in.
  2. Click on “EDIT”.
  • Add the “Default Machine Schedule” schedule.

  • Add the “Managed Device Default Configuration” MD settings.



  1. Click on “DISTRIBUTE”:

 Press the [Next >] button.

 Press the [Next >] button.

If either the managed device settings package and/or the schedule were not already distributed, they can be included with the policy distribution action.


 Press the [Next >] button.

Press the [Add All] button to add all distribution locations to the ”Selected locations” list (example for the Distribution Locations).


 Press the [Next >] button.

 Press the [Next >] button.

(example for a Selection Summary)


 Press the [Finish] button.




Create the agent package

Unzip the file downloaded from the FTP server and copy the "…\Server\Managed devices\Win32\" folder to “C:\Temp\Raynet\AgentenSetup\”

Copy the file “mgssetup.ini” from “…\temp\Raynet\AgentenSetup\Win32\Examples\” to


Edit the “…\temp\Raynet\AgentenSetup\Win32\mgsetup.ini” file.


Just the Core Distribution Server: 

The following changes are required if only the core distribution server will be used.


BOOTSTRAPPEDPOLICY=$(DownloadRootURL)/Policies/Merged/MANAGESOFT_domain/Machine/ManageSoft Default Configuration Policy v1.0.0.0.npl

DEPLOYSERVERURL = http://<HostURL>/ManageSoftDL

 (example “SRV2012DC.domain.local/ManageSoftDL”)


;That all Schedules allways are installed.

RUNCMD = $(ETCPInstallDir)\Launcher\ndlaunch.exe

RUNCMDARGS "-r $(DownloadRootURL)/Schedules/Default%20Machine%20Schedule/Default%20Machine%20Schedule.osd -o PkgType=Schedule -o UserInteractionLevel=Quiet






; Registry settings to be created under

; HKLM\Software\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Common


desc0 = MGSSetupIniApplied

val0 = True

desc1 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\AutoPriority

val1 = False

desc2 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Directory

val2 = /ManageSoftRL/

desc3 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Host

val3 = <Servername>

desc4 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Port

val4 = 80


;Port 80 -> http

;Port 443 -> https

desc5 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Priority

val5 = 100

desc6 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Protocol

val6 = http


;if val4 = 80 then http else if val4 = 443 then https



With multiple Distribution Servers: 

The following changes are required if multiple distributions servers have been implemented.



BOOTSTRAPPEDPOLICY=$(DownloadRootURL)/Policies/Merged/MANAGESOFT_domain/Machine/ManageSoft Default Configuration Policy v1.0.0.0.npl


;That all Schedules allways are installed.

RUNCMD = $(ETCPInstallDir)\Launcher\ndlaunch.exe

RUNCMDARGS = "-r $(DownloadRootURL)/Schedules/Default%20Machine%20Schedule/Default%20Machine%20Schedule.osd -o PkgType=Schedule -o UserInteractionLevel=Quiet






; Registry settings to be created under

; HKLM\Software\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Common


desc0 = MGSSetupIniApplied

val0 = True

;Upload Settings for the Core Server

desc1 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\AutoPriority

val1 = False

desc2 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Directory

val2 = /ManageSoftRL/

desc3 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Host

val3 = <Servername>

desc4 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Port

val4 = 80


;Port 80 -> http

;Port 443 -> https

desc5 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Priority

val5 = 100

desc6 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Protocol

val6 = http


;if val4 = 80 then http else if val4 = 443 then https

;Upload Settings for the first Distribution Server

desc7 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\AutoPriority

val7 = False

desc8 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Directory

val8 = /ManageSoftRL/

desc9 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Host

val9 = <Servername 2>

desc10 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Port

val10 = 80

desc11 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Priority

val11 = 100

desc12 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Protocol

val12 = http

;Upload Settings for the second Distribution Server

; if no second Distribution Server

; then delete desc13-desc18 and val13-val18

desc13 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\AutoPriority

val13 = False

desc14 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Directory

val14 = /ManageSoftRL/

desc15 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Host

val15 = <Servername 3>

desc16 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Port

val16 = 80

desc17 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Priority

val17 = 100

desc18 = UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Protocol

val18 = http

;Download Settings for the Core Server

desc19 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\AutoPriority

val19 = False

desc20 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Directory

val20 = /ManageSoftDL/

desc21 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Host

val21 = <Servername>

desc22 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Port

val22 = 80

desc23 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Priority

val23 = 100

desc24 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\Protocol

val24 = http

;Download Settings for the second Distribution Server

desc25 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\AutoPriority

val25 = False

desc26 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Directory

val26 = /ManageSoftDL/

desc27 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Host

val27 = <Servername 2>

desc28 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Port

val28 = 80

desc29 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Priority

val29 = 101

desc30 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 2\Protocol

val30 = http

;Download Settings for the second Distribution Server

; if no second Distribution Server

; then delete desc31-desc36 and val31-val36

desc31 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\AutoPriority

val31 = False

desc32 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Directory

val32 = /ManageSoftDL/

desc33 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Host

val33 = <Servername 3>

desc34 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Port

val34 = 80

desc35 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Priority

val35 = 102

desc36 = DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 3\Protocol

val36 = http

; If you use https with not signed certificates,

; it’s better to disable certificate checks

; for this remove ; in front by desc37-desc38 and val37-val38

;desc37 = CheckCertificateRevocation

;val37 = False

;desc38 = CheckServerCertificate

;val38 = False



  1. Copy the “…\temp\Raynet\AgentenSetup\Win32\” folder to the computer where the agent must be installed.


  1. Run the following syntax from within an administrative command window:

msiexec.exe /i “…\Win32\ManageSoft for managed devices.Msi” /qn




  1. Navigate to the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Common\DownloadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\” registry key and review its string values:


  1. Make the same steps with the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Common\UploadSettings\Bootstrap Server 1\” key:


If these entries exist, the policy has been run.


  1. Run the following syntax from within an administrative command window:

     "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\ManageSoft\Schedule Agent\ndschedag.exe" –t Machine

  • Select events (1. Generate Inventory, 2. Upload Client Files) and start their triggers.
  • Press the [OK] button to close the UI.



  1. Check log files (“tracker.log” and “uploader.log”) which are found within the “%WINDIR%\Temp\ManageSoft\” and “%Temp%\ManageSoft\” directories:


  1. The Client should now be visible in the “Inventory Overview” report (Data processing can take a few minutes):


Select the hostname of the new device to see detailed inventory information)






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