RPB200914: Release Notes: PackBench 8.0.1060.658 [RTM]

RPB200914: Release Notes: PackBench 8.0.1060.658 [RTM]


Type: Full Product


  • Copying of Workflow Elements Between Workflows [BEN-414]

Other Improvements:

  • Command-line tool PbCmd.exe now checks if a run does not already exist when calling the newRun command. [BEN-411]
  • Custom variables can be now defined to be hidden on the New Run screen. [BEN-408] [ZEN-22700]
  • Changed the meaning of the option to prevent the automatic creation of project folders at run startup. In previous versions, this option only controlled subfolders within the project structure hierarchy. In version 8.0 the setting also applies to the root project folder. Disabling this option will cause PackBench not to create any folder at run startup. [BEN-390] [BEN-21259]
  • When closing the Run Properties window with the X button, a prompt appears if there are unsaved changes. [BEN-387]
  • The list of runs can now also display the RayFlow project, phase and user - these columns are available in the column selector. [BEN-409] [BEN-21233]
  • In the Create Tool window, the OK button is now disabled if some required entries are missing or invalid. [BEN-437]
  • PackBench now uses Windows Credentials Store for RayFlow connectivity, and is able to reuse login session from other RayPack Studio products. [RF-4879] [RF-4883] [ZEN-17962] [ZEN-19506] ZEN-20902
  • Reworked dialog and several other enhancements for data synchronization between PackBench and RayFlow. [BEN-392] [BEN-21659]
  • Added a new config option AutoElevation which controls, whether PackBench should automatically prompt for UAC confirmation to run as administrator. [BEN-402] [BEN-22871]
  • It is now possible to use SQLite database as the database engine. [BEN-402] [BEN-22781]
  • Automatic comments informing the user that a task has been marked as "Done" after the tool has been run are now hidden, allowing the user to focus on the relevant content. [BEN-407]
  • Improved translations and label clipping in non-English languages. [BEN-401] [BEN-418] [BEN-413] [ZEN23061]
  • Improved initial data assignment for drop-down fields populated by RayFlow. [BEN-395]
  • Reworked dialogs and several other enhancements for data synchronization between PackBench and RayFlow. [BEN-392] [ZEN-21659]
  • Restyling of the About page. [BEN-336]

For a detailed release information and full list of new features, improvements and resolved issues, refer to the Release Notes document.

Date Published: 2024/12/06
Requirements: Refer to the Release Notes document for Hardware and Software requirements

Installation Instructions:

To install PackBench follow the instructions in the RayPack Studio User Guide

RayPack Studio User Guide

Download Location:

FTP Server: file.raynet.de
User: raypackstudio-kd
Password: 74(4346fU342


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