RVY200909: Release Notes: RayVentory Scan Engine 12.6.3761.101 [Update 4]

RVY200909: Release Notes: RayVentory Scan Engine 12.6.3761.101 [Update 4]


Type: Full Product
Purpose/Description: New Feature and Enhancements:

Application usage scanning is now available for macOS devices [RVP-2107] [ZEN-26512]
In this release, we have extended the MacOS agent to monitor running processes and report the elapsed time to the server for further analysis. This new component is feature and format compatible with the Windows implementation (MMI format).
Enhanced scanning capabilities of macOS devices
In this version, several additional features can be processed by the macOS inventory (Zero-Touch and agent-based scans):

  • Certificates [RVP-2217] [RVP-2226] [ZEN-19986]
  • External displays [RVP-1931] [ZEN-19986]
  • Disk usage [RVP-1930] [ZEN-19986]
  • Fonts [RVP-1932] [ZEN-19986]

Performance improvements of Zero-Touch scans [RVP-2219]
Zero-touch scanning of macOS devices is now performing much faster due to internal optimizations.

Security improvements:

  • Unsupported files can now be rejected by the HTTP PUT Upload Endpoint. The setting is enabled by default. [RVP-2166]
  • Error messages returned by the HTTP server are now less verbose, preventing potentially sensitive data from being exposed. [RVP-2159]
  • Zero-touch non-Windows file scanner can now be configured to use a different command syntax, avoiding all calls using -exec parameter in favor of piped ls command. This setting enables file scan to run on machines, where due to security policies, the parameter -exec is disabled. [RVP-2265] [ZEN-26550]

Other improvements:

  • Various minor improvements of the macOS agent package, for example adding of schedule and config generation to the post-install routine, improvements of Info.plist format and optimization of package scripts. The binary agent executable also received extra attributes ( bundle.id and version). [RVP-2262] [RVP-2254]
  • Added support for MGS_LogicalDisk class in ndtrack.sh. There is now a functional parity between zero-touch and remote execution equivalents. [RVP-2231] [ZEN-26933]
  • Added the ability to filter target devices by custom properties. [RVP-1312] [ZEN-15936] [ZEN-15937]
  • Sample RVIA configuration files for various operating systems are now available after the installation. [RVP-2192]

Resolved issues:

  • Resolved minor typography issues. [RVP-2280]
  • Resolved ping sweep discovery failing due to exception. [RVP-2271]
  • Corrected MGS_DiskDrive size value, displaying commas on Linux. [RVP-2266]
  • Fixed targets defined by filter, where "Last inventory status" was not working for "failed" status. [RVP-2264]
  • Fixed inventory issue for Docker and K8s installed on the same device. [RVP-2229]
  • Fixed portable ndtrack.ini file in the release build. [RVP-2228]
  • Corrected error in Inventory Agent VBS plugins. [RVP-2218]
  • Fixed issue where targets defined by expression were not functioning properly. [RVP-2214]
  • Resolved scheduler service sporadically hanging on startup. [RVP-2212]
  • Fixed issue where folders were not being created if missing for reporting and temp files. [RVP-2210]
  • Fixed Docker scanner parsing issues when semicolons were present in output values. [RVP-2209]
  • Fixed clipped content issue on smaller window sizes in Settings > Inventory > Zero Touch > Oracle. [RVP-2182]
  • Resolved issue with Ora file import failing due to ASN1Parser not processing quotation marks. [RVP-2158]
  • Fixed issue where expired zero-touch passwords allowed scanner to continue running. [RVP-2155]
  • Resolved non-Windows Zero-Touch command-line execution failure when using the credentials.file argument. [RVP-2153]
  • Corrected typo in upload result message. [RVP-2143]
  • Fixed the issue with no Docker information after Zero-Touch scan on macOS devices. [RVP-2138]
  • Credential Store button was removed from the Settings screen. [RVP-2131]
  • Fixed issue where inventories created on macOS systems based on Apple Silicon did not detect applications using the arm64 architecture. [RVP-1746]
  • Resolved issue with Scan Engine removing property evidence on HTTP receive. [RVP-1588]
  • Fixed "Ignore server certificate errors" functionality. [RVP-1506]
  • Fixed Windows Zero-Touch connection test functionality. [RVP-1503]
Date Published: 2024/11/13

Refer to the Release Notes document for Hardware and Software requirements

Installation Instructions: Detailed instructions for the installation can be found in the RayVentory Scan Engine 12.6 User Guide.
RayVentory Scan Engine User Guide


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