RTS200886: Release Notes: RayQC Advanced 7.3.5257.64 [Update 6]

Title: RTS200886: Release Notes: RayQC Advanced 7.3.5257.64 [Update 6]

Resolved Issues:

  • Resolved issue with transform generation occurring even when the user did not select any repairs. [RTS-2553]
  • Fixed an issue where the rule disregarded conflicts for certain files with system flags, such as "ProgramData\Microsoft". [RTS-2562]
  • RayQC Advanced now provides comprehensive support for German reports. This update introduces a new report template specifically designed for German reports and incorporates necessary RESX entries to enhance functionality. Additionally, several German typos have been identified and corrected, ensuring a smoother user experience. [RTS-2556]
  • In the Test Wizard of System Readiness, an issue has been resolved where no troubleshooting information was displayed under "Display Automatic Troubleshooting" within the "Problems and Troubleshooting" section. This fix ensures that users can access relevant troubleshooting guidance seamlessly. [RTS-2565]
Date Published:


Requirements: Refer to the Release Notes document for Hardware and Software requirements
Installation Instructions: To install RayQC Advanced, follow the instructions in the RayQC Advanced User Guide

Download Location:

FTP Server: file.raynet.de
User: raypackstudio-kd
Password: 74(4346fU342


Download from Raynet FTP


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