RMSUEM200882: Release Notes:RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager 3.1.2987.745 [Update 4]

RMSUEM200882: Release Notes: RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager 3.1.2987.745 [Update 4]


Type: Full Product

Resolved issues:

  • Fixed an issue in the RayVentoryServer integration that could cause timeout problems during the connection test. Both values Timeout and MaxAttempts can now be configured similar to the Catalog integration. [RMSC-2562] 

Migration notes:

If you are migrating from a previous version, be sure to set defaults for new properties. For example, if the original container setup was created using Docker Compose, make sure to add the following lines to the environment configuration file:

1. Integration__RayVentoryServer__Timeout = 200000
2. Integration__RayVentoryServer__MaxAttempts = 2

Finally, re-create the RayVentory Server integration in your tenant after the update is applied

Date Published: 2024/03/27
Requirements: Refer to the Release Notes document for Hardware and Software requirements
Installation Instructions:

Detailed installation instructions and further documentation can be found here:

RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager


Download Location:

FTP Server:







Download from Raynet FTP


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