RVY200880: Release Notes: RayVentory Data Hub 12.6.5514.105 [Update 3] & [Hotfix 2]

Release Notes: RayVentory Data Hub 12.6.5514.105 [Update3] & [Hotfix 2]


Type: Full Product

Resolved issues:

This release fixes a critical issue that has been present since version 12.6.5413 (RTM). A bug in the server-side processing of incoming results was causing random failures of various tasks, which were reported as incomplete with the following error: Error calling PostUpdateTask: { "Message":"Data could not be retrieved. }. This was also accompanied by various SQL timeout issues, as reported in the log file. [ZEN-26682] [ZEN-26609]

This issue has been resolved by temporarily disabling the validation feature introduced in version 12.6.5413, which is logged as RR-2958. After applying this fix, the following features are disabled

  1. The ability to view the delta results of each new task
  2. The ability to validate data based on the number of rows added/removed.

Both features will be restored in future versions once a permanent fix has been implemented.


How to apply this update / hotfix

Variant A: Complete installation

Requires: Any version of Data Hub on Windows

Simply install this Update 3 over your existing version. The upgrade is done automatically by the MSI installer.

Variant B: Hotfix (file swap)

Requires: Data Hub 12.6 Update 2 (12.6.5511) on Windows

Replace the provided four files and restart the IIS for a Windows-based installation.

  • Ensure that appropriate backups are taken before proceeding with any updates or hotfix installations.
  • For Docker-installations, simply pull the newest version of the image, and recreate the container.
Date Published: 2024/03/07
Requirements: Refer to the Release Notes document for Hardware and Software requirements
Installation Instructions: Detailed instructions for the installation can be found in the RayVentory Data Hub 12.6 User Guide.


Download from Raynet FTP RayVentory Data Hub 12.6.5514.105 [U2]-[HF2]

Download from Raynet FTP RayVentory Data Hub 12.6.5514.105 [U3]


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