RPK200002: How to uninstall RayPack 1.x

Application context

RayPack core application maintenance



RayPack is delivered as standard MSI package to customers and evaluators. Once the package has been installed, there are a few areas on the packaging machine which are affected by the RayPack instance, but are not removed automatically during uninstall.



The RayPack installer package execution creates directories and files that are usually not removed during a standard uninstallation routine. They are kept on the packaging machine in order to be able to allow a persistent availability of once build up settings, licenses, and the like.



Please follow the steps listed below to remove all RayPack related standard objects from packaging machines:

  1. Go to the Windows Control Panel and use Add/Remove Programs to uninstall RayPack

  2. Go to the AppData directory on your windows system, for example C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\ and remove the RayPack directory.
    Be aware that by doing so, local settings profiles are removed.

    If there are no other RaySuite products installed on the specific machine, go to  C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Local\ and remove the Raynet directory with general RaySuite settings.

  3. Go to the local Program Files directory, typically something like C:\Program Files (x86)\. Remove the \RayPack\ directory.
    Be aware that by doing so, local RayPack license files are removed.


Related objects

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