Q204418: HOWTO: Manually install the FNMP database


In many organisations it is not possible to run an MSI installer on a database server due to security considerations.  As a result you cannot install FNMP using the normal process and must install it manually, the process of which is covered by this article. 

In order to install the FNMP application, first make sure that the database has been created (calling it ManageSoft with a collation ending in _CI_AS - further consideration in Additional Information section) and the steps in the FNMP Installation Guide Chapter 3 > Before you Proceed have been completed.  Once this has been done the process is: 
  1. Make sure that the MGS Compliance Users group (or equivalent) has full access to the database
  2. Locate the scripts needed to create the FNMP database. These can either be found in the Data.cab in the same folder as the MSI, or in the attachment to KB article Q201501
  3. For 8.5 and above the migration scripts are attached to separate KB articles which include the scripts for Deployment Manager (which you should run first; refer to linked article M100806 for DM database installation) and FlexNetManager Platform:
    1. FNMP 8.5: Q214159
    2. FNMP 8.6: Q201501
    3. FNMP 9.0: Q207593
  4. If the EDS product will be using this database, manually apply the database scripts for that product. If the EDS product is not required, then run the scripts ManageSoftSchema.sql and ManageSoftProcedures.sql to create the components of the EDS product that are needed by FNMP
  5. Run the following scripts in order:
    1. ComplianceSchema.sql
    2. ComplianceFullText.sql (8.5 or above - must have full text indexing enabled on the database first)
    3. ComplianceLanguageActions.sql
    4. ComplianceProcedures.sql
  6. When you run the MSI installer on the application server is an attached batch file to pass certain commands which has been zipped up. Please edit the attached batch file and modify the command:
You need to enter the correct domain or local group and the group name and then place the batch file in the same directory as the MSI installer.
If you are installing FNMP 8.6 or above there are some scripts required for the Business Reporting Portal which are included in the download for the FNMP scripts.  Unlike the FNMP scripts, these need to be executed on the DataWarehouse database (See installation guide for instructions on creating the contentstore and DataWarehouse databases):
  1. dw-migr900-migprep.sql
  2. DataWarehouseSchema.sql
  3. DataWarehouseProcedures.sql
  4. dw-migr900-migpost.sql
When choosing which database collation to use, plan out what data sources will be used to import into FNMP as you can only directly import from a data source that has the same collation.  For example; if you wish to import from a SCCM database that has a collation of "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" then you must set your FNMP database to also use "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS".
If you do have different collations then you cannot directly import to FNMP however other options are available (usually through our Professional Services team) so in these cases please contact Support to discuss your options.
Linked to this article below is the process for manually creating the Deployment Manager (EDS) database which must be carried out first before creating the FNMP database.

Related Document

M100806: Manual creation of the ManageSoft database


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