This article details how to automatically download the latest prerequisite packages for ManageSoft Security Manager.
ManageSoft Security Manager requires that several prerequisite packages (such as the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer) are installed on each managed device. These packages are published on the ManageSoft web site for your convenience, and are updated from time to time as required.
Instructions for download and use of these packages vary, depending on the release of ManageSoft Security Manager that you are using.
Security Manager release 7.9.x and later
From release 7.9, ManageSoft Security Manager provides a command line tool (PackageIndexTool.exe) and aPrerequisite package download wizard to automatically download the prerequisite packages. If you are using these releases of the product, you can find further documentation in the following places:
- PackageIndexTool.exe: See the chapter on Command line tools in the ManageSoft Reference: System Referencemanual, installed in your documentation folder of your administration server.
- Prerequisite package download wizard: See the chapter on Installation in the Security Manager Guide, in the same folder.
Note that both these facilities were further enhanced in ManageSoft Security Manager release 7.9.5 to support downloading packages through a proxy. If you are using release 7.9 and need to download through a proxy, you can obtain a stand-alone copy of PackageIndexTool.exe as detailed in the instructions below for users of earlier releases.
Security Manager releases 7.7.x and 7.8.x
Versions of ManageSoft Security Manager prior to 7.9 do not include the PackageIndexTool.exe or the Prerequisite package download wizard. An alternative for Security Manager 7.7.x or 7.8.x is to use the standalonePackageIndexTool.exe by following the instructions:
A. Use the Package Index Tool attached to this article to download prerequisite packages.
- Download the file attached to this article (below).
- Extract the contents of the file to a local directory, such as C:\Program Files\PackageIndexTool.
- Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where you extracted the executable in step 2.
- Review the following command line for applicability to your environment. If you need to modify the command-line parameters, see the notes on usage below. Then run the following command (as modified if necessary), all on one line:
--download --files "C:\ManageSoft\Repository\Download"
--log "%TEMP%\PackageIndex.log"
--build --import --overwrite --use-system-proxy
B. Update the environments and architectures
The packages downloaded by the download tool are designed to support all of the environments and architectures supported by ManageSoft Deployment Manager 7.9 and later. This includes Windows XP 64-bti and Vista. If your administration server has an earlier version of Deployment Manager installed, you will need also need to import these additional environments by following the steps below:
- Download the attached file
- Extract the msw7, msw2008, mswVista, mswXP64 and amd64 files from the archive and place them in to the ManageSoft\Repository\Environments folder on your administration server.
- Execute the Architecture.sql script from the archive using SQL Query Analyzer or SQL Server Management Studio.
C. Receive packages not supported by the Package Index Tool
The Package Index Tool currently does not download the following prerequisite packages.
Microsoft\Windows Installer\\Rev1.0\Windows Installer
Microsoft\XML Parser\English\8.50.2162.7\Rev1.0\XML Parser
Microsoft\XML Parser\French\8.50.2162.7\Rev1.0\XML Parser
Microsoft\XML Parser\German\8.50.2162.7\Rev1.0\XML Parser
Microsoft\XML Parser\Japanese\8.50.2162.7\Rev1.0\XML Parser
You can find a copy of these packages attached to this article. Follow the instructions below to receive these packages into your software library:
- Download and extract the contents of the relevant package to the ManageSoft Administration Server.
- Open the ManageSoft Administration Console.
- Right click on the Packages node and select Receive into Software Libary.
- Select the A ManageSoft project file option.
- Select the path to the extracted package's NDP file.
- Specify the destination folder to be exactly the same as the package's source folder. eg. Microsoft\Windows Installer\\Rev1.0\Windows Installer.
Package Index Tool Usage
You may need to modify the command-line parameters depending on your situation. For example, you may need to configure credentials to authenticate to the proxy server. An overview of the available parameters and their usage is given below.
Usage: PackageIndexTool.exe [-b|--build] [-c|--category] [-d|--download] [-f|--files] [-h|--help] [-i|-
-import] [-l|--log] [-n|--name] [-o|--overwrite] [-r|--remove] [-s|--source] [-x|--sign] [-a|--proxy-address] [-y|--use-
system-proxy] [-g|--use-integrated-auth] [-m|--proxy-domain] [-u|--proxy-username] [-p|--proxy-password]
-b execute the packager creation commands within the PackageIndex.xml
-c <regex> apply the regular expression to package category, operations apply only to this subset of packages
-d download the files required by the package
-f <path> location of downloaded files
-h display help
-i import the package into the software library
-l <path> path to the location of log file
-n <regex> apply the regular expression to package name, operations apply only to this subset of packages
-o overwrite the package if it exists in the software library already
-r remove temporary files
-s <path> URI source for PackageIndex.xml file
-x <path> calculate the signature for a file using a hash algorithm
-a <address> address of a proxy to use when downloading
-y use the system-configured proxy when downloading. If this is enabled, the proxy address is ignored.
-g use integrated proxy authentication. if this is enabled, other proxy authentication settings are ignored.
-m <domain> proxy domain (when using a proxy)
-u <username> proxy user name (when using a proxy)
-p <password> proxy password (when using a proxy)
Related Document
M100690: Obtaining the latest version of Microsoft Enterprise Scan Tools
M100719: Obtaining version 2.2 of the Microsoft Office Update Inventory Tool
M100901: Deploying the latest Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer 2.1 package