Q206294 : How to decide which organisation to select on ManageSoftRP report


This article will show you how to find out the domain the computer is in on Deployment Manager database, so you can select the domain/organisation from the organisation list on the left side of the ManageSoftRP | My Organisation report



Please run the following SQL queries for the computer you want to find through ManageSoftRP. Please replace {the computer Name} with the computer name. This query should show you which domain this server belongs to if it returns any result. If it doesn't return any value, it means the domain information is not imported into the deployment manager database for some reason. In that case, please select the "Unknown" domain from the organisation list.


select computer.ComputerID, computer.ComputerCN, domain.DN, domain.domaintype, Domain.FlatName from Computer
left join Organization on Computer.ComputerOUID = Organization.OrganizationID
left join Domain on Organization.DomainID = Domain.OrganizationID
where Computer.ComputerCN like '%{the computer Name}%'


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