This guide is designed to setup your RayVentory server with an external database. Having a separate system running the DBMS will scale up your RayVentory environment in size and performance.
Before you proceed
This guide assumes:
- The Microsoft SQL Server is already setup and preconfigured.
- You are familiar to the local and global user management for Microsoft Windows.
- You have a basic understanding for the Microsoft SQL permission concept and query language.
The RayVentory release notes and full-size documentation are available in addition to this document.
I. Setup local groups
Create the following local* groups on your SQL Server:
*To use global groups you have to modify the SQL Permission (see III)
MGS Data Modifiers
MGS Data Readers
Add the required global users and groups to prepare the database access. E.g. DBA administrator group. The MGS Data Modifiers group is a local user group created on the RayVentory SQL server. It enables members to modify data within the RayVentory database. The MGS Data Readers group is a local user group created on the RayVentory SQL data server. It enables members to read data within the RayVentory database.
II. Configure Setup Parameter
To prepared the RayVentory setup for an external database use the following settings inside the params.ini*:
*All values in < > are custom specific. Fill in the required data and remove the placeholder
These settings will skip the SQL Express installation and preconfigure the required setup parameters. You can left the SQLInstanceName parameter empty to use the default instance.
III. Modify group permission
To use global or customer specific groups you can modify the Perms.sql inside the Database Setup directory. Change the return code for the functions dbo.MGSDataModifiers() and/or dbo.MGSDataReaders(), e.g.*:
*All values in < > are custom specific. Fill in the required data and remove the placeholder
However, it is not recommend to modify these groups.
IV. Prepare Database Setup
Before setting up the RayVentory with an external database, the content has to prepared. This will create the database on SQL Server and fill in all necessary data. Therefore, a user with the Sysadmin SQL server rule is necessary. Use one of the following commands based on your authentication type*:
*All values in < > are custom specific. Fill in the required data and remove the placeholder
Windows integrated Authentication
mgsDatabaseCreate.exe -s <SERVERNAME/INSTANCE> -d Managesoft -a WindowsNT -i DeploymentManagerDatabaseCreation.xml
SQL Server Authentication
mgsDatabaseCreate.exe -s <SERVERNAME/INSTANCE> -d Managesoft -a SQLServer –u <USER> -p <PASSWORD> -i DeploymentManagerDatabaseCreation.xml