RVY200038: Quick Guide RayVentory - Port Binding Http(s)


This guide is designed to reconfigure your RayVentory server for a custom port binding. It will cover all necessary changes for the RayVentory server and it’s services.



Before you proceed

This guide assumes:

  • The RayVentory server is already setup and preconfigured.
  • You want to reconfigure web based services and protocols, e.g. http and https.
  • You are familiar with the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  • You have a basic understanding for the RayVentory server and portal.

The RayVentory release notes and full-size documentation are available in addition to this document.



I. Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

To change the port bindings for a web protocol, select them from the Default Web Site context menu:




Add a new binding

To add a new binding, select the desired protocol and port. E.g. Port 81 for http:



 Command line parameter:

%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config /section:system.applicationHost/sites /+"[name='Default Web Site'].bindings.[protocol='http',bindingInformation='*:81:']" /commit:apphost



Remove an existing binding

To clear a binding, select and remove an entry from your list. E.g. Port 80 for http:


 Command line parameter:

%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config /section:system.applicationHost/sites /-"[name='Default Web Site'].bindings.[protocol='http',bindingInformation='*:80:']" /commit:apphost



Test the new binding

 Start a local bowser and type in <servername>:<newport>, e.g. http://rayven10:81/ :


The IIS default website is shown.





II. RayVentory Portal

Start the RayVentory Admin UI and change the protocol and port for the PORTAL URL setting:





III. RayManageSoft

Before modifying the RMS settings keep the following in mind: There is only one protocol and port for each connection type. Nerveless it is possible to have multiple connection types for each server. E.g. multiples download locations for the core server. To change your settings, start the RayManageSoft console and select the infrastructure tile on your dashboard.




Change the distribution location port

Edit the distribution server in the infrastructure overview. Change the port for the distribution between servers or local the replication. E.g. the Core Distribution Server:





Change the download location port

Edit the download location in the in the distribution tab. Change the port for download location [general] and the file push [distribution settings]:







Change the reporting location port

Edit the reporting location in the reporting tab. Change the feedback channel port for all attached servers and devices:







Update failover locations

Distribute your changes to entire distribution hierarchy. Run the update failover locations wizard from the maintenance tab:





Change default settings

Set the new port as default settings in the Distribution settings in the maintenance tab:









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