Description: display errors like in the picture below after an upgrade to RayManageSoft or RayVentory 10.2.x fonts are shown distorted.
Cause: update process removed necessary fonts which aren’t reinstalled with the update.
RayManageSoft: fixed with RayManageSoft 10.3 or later
RayVentory: Will be fixed with RayVentory versions based on RMS 10.4.
Workaround: Because these are fonts belonging to Windows and Microsoft we can’t provide them here. You have to copy them from the fonts Folder and install them to your RayVentory Server.
Access a Windows 7 or above system and go to the fonts folder (e.g. C:\Windows\Fonts)
Copy all ”Segoe UI” fonts (6 files) to your RayVentory Server
Right-click these fonts and select “install” from the context menu.