M100692: Discovery files not accessible to Linux distribution servers


ManageSoft discovery files may not be accessible to distribution servers running Linux. This problem only occurs in distribution hierarchies where a distribution server running Windows uploads files to a distribution location running Linux. This article provides a fix.

In distribution hierarchies that require a distribution server running Windows to upload files to a distribution server running Linux, ManageSoft discovery (.disco) files will not be accessible to the Linux distribution server. This is because the upload location set during the installation of ManageSoft for distribution servers on a Windows computer is incorrect.


Complete the following steps to fix the problem:

Note: These instructions are case-sensitive. Enter the commands exactly as displayed here.

  1. On the Windows distribution server that is responsible for uploading to the Linux distribution server, start regedit (Start > Run... > regedit).
  2. Navigate to the registry hive HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ManageSoft Corp/ManageSoft/Common/Rules.
  3. Change the Discovery registry key value:
    1. Right-click the registry key value.
    2. Select Modify.
    3. Change the value data to $(ServerLocation)/Discovery/$(DateTime)-$(GUID).disco.
    4. Click OK.
  4. Close regedit.

The distribution server is now correctly configured and will upload discovery (.disco) files.


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