Q204026: Configure EDS servers to replicate through a proxy server


This article covers how to configure Deployment Manager distribution servers to replicate files with the administration server when they need to go through a proxy server.


To configure the distribution server to use a proxy server you will need to add the "http_proxy" or "https_proxy" string to the [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Replication Agent\CurrentVersion] key in the registry e.g.
"https_proxy&quot= &quothttps://"
"https_proxy&quot= &quothttps://"
Just substitute with the IP Address or host name of your proxy server and 80 for the proxy port. To determine which string to use look to the parent server i.e. if the administration server uses https then use "https_proxy" otherwise "http_proxy".
For the agent you may also need to enter the string in the Common key for the agent to use the proxy server as well.

Additional Information

A common error that is seen in the log file if this process is required is: "Download failure: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it."


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