Q206244: Where can I obtain the Linux Agents


Enterprise Deployment Suite offers the ability to install Agents on Linux machines and other Operating Systems such as AIX. Where are the install files for these Agents located?


For current versions:

The Agents for these versions are installed to a location on the machine when Deployment Manager is installed.

The Agents are located in the following folder location by default
C:\ManageSoft\Repository\Packages\ManageSoft\ManageSoft for managed devices\<current Deployment Manager version>\Rev1.0


Deployment Manager 8.5:

The Agents for this version are installed to the server using a separate install file called "dm850unix.exe".
When this .exe is ran the Agent install files will be installed on the system in the following folder by default:
C:\ManageSoft\Repository\Packages\ManageSoft\ManageSoft for managed devices\8.5.0\Rev1.0

If you require any of the install files please see your purchase information on how to obtain these or contact your support representative.


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