M100828: ManageSoft Deployment Manager 7.9 Service Pack 1: Distribution server


ManageSoft has released Service Pack 1 for ManageSoft Deployment Manager 7.9. This article contains information about how to obtain the service pack for distribution servers, how to install the service pack, and details of the problems that it addresses.

There is also a 7.9.1 ManageSoft for distribution servers release available that contains all of these fixes and provides a full MSI install which does not need patching like the 7.9 release.


ManageSoft Deployment Manager 7.9 Service Pack 1 (SP1) contains the latest updates to Deployment Manager 7.9 components. These updates include a collection of fixes across different functional areas. This article provides information about the service pack for distribution servers. See the "Related articles" section below for information about using the service pack on other components.

It is strongly recommended that all ManageSoft Deployment Manager 7.9 installations apply SP1 as soon as practical in order to avoid running in to problems that have been addressed.

Getting ManageSoft Deployment Manager 7.9 SP1

You can download SP1 using FTP from one of the following FTP servers using the "release" username:

Once logged in to the FTP server, the service pack can be found at the following path:


If you do not have a current password for accessing this area, please contact ManageSoft Support (support@managesoft.com.au) who will be able to assist you.


The service pack is supplied as a self extracting executable file. After executing the file to extract the contents, there are three installation options.

  1. The simplest option is to receive the provided ManageSoft package into the ManageSoft software library and deploy it like any other package.

    It is safe to target the package to all devices, as the managed device will automatically determine when and where it actually needs to install the service pack.

    Using this method logging from the install will be saved in the configured ManageSoft LogFile directory as installation.log and installation.log-msi.

    By default the patch is installed using the /qb- options, and will show a basic user interface with no modal dialog boxes. To install quietly, edit the ManageSoft package, locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Relaunch\CurrentVersion registry key, and append /qn to its MgsMsiArgs registry entry.

  2. To install the service pack directly from the MgsKB100828.msp, run the following command:

    msiexec /l*v %TEMP%\MgsKB100828.log /p MgsKB100828.msp /qb REINSTALL=ALL

To create an administrative install point (AIP) of 7.9 including the service pack, run the following commands:

msiexec /a "C:\ManageSoft\Distribution server\Win32\ManageSoft for distribution servers.Msi" TARGETDIR="C:\MDM79SP1-DS_AIP" /qb

msiexec /p MgsKB100828.msp /a "C:\MDM79SP1-DS_AIP\ManageSoft for distribution servers.Msi" /qb

To uninstall

There is no option to uninstall this service pack once it has been installed. To revert a system to use the gold Deployment Manager 7.9 release after the service pack has been installed, you must remove all Deployment Manager components and re-install them.

Problems addressed

The following problems are addressed by this service pack:

  • 47824 - Scheduled tasks intermittently stop running until reboot
  • 52140 - mgsdl service stops responding after network disconnect and reconnect on Windows NT
  • 52961 - Logging by managed device agents performs poorly
  • 52964 - Managed device agents that run in user context are blocked on Vista if UAC is on
  • 53061 - ndtrack.exe crashes if registry contains non-null terminated strings
  • 53088 - Tracing generated by managed devices is frequently corrupted.

Changed files and registry entries

The following files and registry entries will be updated when thi


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