M100814 : Restoring the Compliance Manager Web.config file

If ManageSoft Deployment Manager is installed after Compliance Manager, or if ManageSoft Deployment Manager is upgraded to release 7.9 or above, a required Web.config file is overwritten. This article explains how to reinstate it.


When attempting to access Compliance Manger through the remote console after a fresh installation ManageSoft Deployment Manger or after upgrading ManageSoft Deployment Manager to 7.9 you will receive the following error message:

---Problem--- (s0m0): ManageSoft was unable to complete this operation. Ensure you have sufficient access to the ManageSoft web services and database and please try again. ---System exception--- Service 'ManageSoft.Compliance.Logic.Core.API' version '7.0' is not supported. ---Source--- ManageSoft.Networking.WebService.WebServiceDirectoryAPI ---Stack trace--- System.ApplicationException: Service 'ManageSoft.Compliance.Logic.Core.API' version '7.0' is not supported. at ManageSoft.Networking.WebService.API.WebProxyFactoryBase. Create(String p_Name, WebServiceVersion p_ at ManageSoft.Networking.WebService.ComplianceLogicFactoryBase. Create(String p_Name, WebServiceVersion p_Version) at ManageSoft.Compliance.Logic.Core.API. ComplianceCoreFactory.Create() at ManageSoft.Compliance.Presentation.ComplianceManager. ScopePane.ComplianceManagerNode..ctor() 


This behavior occurs because the Web.config file required by Compliance Manager is overwritten by ManageSoft Deployment Manager. The required web.config file is located under C:\Program Files\ManageSoft\Reporter\Web\Web.config. This file can be reinstated by executing a repair of Compliance Manger.

  1. Start Query Analyzer (SQL Server 2000) or SQL Server Management Studio (SQL Server 2005).
  2. Execute the following SQL statement: UPDATE ComplianceSetting SET SettingValue = '1' WHERE SettingName = 'LocalManageSoftInstallPrimaryDataSource'.
  3. Close Query Analyzer or SQL Server Management Studio.
  4. Open Add/Remove Programs on the administration server, and perform a repair of ManageSoft Compliance Manager.

During the repair operation, the Web.config file is reinstated.


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