Action 14:25:52: GetDomainName.
ManageSoft (14:25:52): domain.cxx: Entered GetNT4DomainName()
ManageSoft (14:25:52): domain.cxx: GetNT4DomainName() Connected to netapi32.dll (0x0x74ED5EB2, 0x0x74F45570, 0x0x74F313D2)
ManageSoft (14:26:07): domain.cxx: GetNT4DomainName() Error getting DC name
ManageSoft (14:26:07): domain.cxx: GetNT4DomainName() Error getting workstation info
ManageSoft (14:26:07): domain.cxx: GetNT4DomainName() Finished (OSACOM_FAILED)
GetDomainName: None found
Depending on the cause the resolution varies, in essence it's a network connectivity issue preventing the NetGetDCName() API from contacting the PDC. An example fix is to put an lmhosts file in c:\windows/system32/drivers/etc on the core server and adding the PDC IP Address and hostname.
As a workaround, you could create the required security groups manually and then include the GROUPS_ALREADY_CONFIGURED msi property on the msiexec command line. This would stop the installer contacting the domain controller at all.