This patch corrects problem 72077: SoftwareValue records overwritten for each user. This patch may be installed on ManageSoft for Administration Servers version 8.0.
To install, run:
msiexec /l*v %TEMP%\MgsKB100972.log /qb- /p MgsKB100972.msp REINSTALL=ALL
Following this run the attached Inventory.sql file on your ManageSoft database to update stored procedures required by this patch.
Uninstallation is only possible on Windows Server 2003 SP1, or later platforms, or on earlier platforms running Windows Installer 3.0 or later.
Installing this patch makes the following changes:
- Installs an updated [INSTALLDIR]\DotNet\bin\ManageSoft.Database.API.dll (version 8.01.4191)
- Installs an updated [INSTALLDIR]\DotNet\bin\ManageSoft.Database.Impl.dll (version 8.01.4191)
- Installs an updated [INSTALLDIR]\DotNet\bin\ManageSoft.Inventory.Imprt.Plugin.dll (version 8.01.4191)
- Adds a new SoftwareValueGetAllByComputerIDUserID stored procedure
- Adds a new SoftwareValueReplaceSubsetByComputerIDUserID stored procedure&nbsp
- Sets the HKLM\Software\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\KB100972 registry key to value 8.01.4191"