ManageSoft Distribution Server HotFix MgsKB100942 contains the latest updates to ManageSoft for distribution servers 8.0 components to fully support ManageSoft for Unix/Linux managed devices 8.0.1. This article provides information about the service pack for distribution servers. See the "Related articles" section below for information about HotFixes available for other components.
It is recommended that this HotFix only be applied in environments that intend to deploy ManageSoft for Unix/Linux Managed Devices.
Getting ManageSoft Administration Server HotFix MgsKB100942
HotFix MgsKB100942 is included in the unix801unx.exe CD image available on the Downloads pages of the ManageSoft knowledge center at
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The HotFix can be installed on a server with ManageSoft for distribution servers 8.0 installed simply by executing MgsKB100942.exe or by deploying the supplied MgsKB100942 package via policy.
To uninstall
There is no option to uninstall this hot fix once it has been installed. To revert a system to use the gold Deployment Manager 8.0 release after the hotfix has been installed, you must remove all Deployment Manager components and re-install them.
Enhancements included
The following enhancements are including in this hotfix:
Remote Adoption of Unix managed devices
This HotFix upgrades your distribution server to be able to adopt Unix/Linux managed devices through the existing adoption functionality.
Improved inventory resolver
Improvements have been made to the accuracy of inventory file data when resolved to the ManageSoft database.