M100937: Known and addressed problems in Deployment Manager release 8.0

This article contains two tables. The first lists customer-related problems that were addressed in the 8.0 release of Deployment Manager. The second lists known problems in the release. For more information, talk with your ManageSoft consultant.

Problems Addressed

The following problems have been repaired in Deployment Manager release 8.0.



42055 Activation wizard always appearing on launch of console
Application usage
57316 Usage reports executables under %WINDIR% against strange applications
57795 Usage recorded against wrong machine if > 1 machine has the same name
58091 Usage files with multiple similar usage records fail to import
58105 Blank file company and description values returned in usage data
58265 Application usage may never be uploaded if system is shut down regularly
Configuration UI
54357 Configuration console is empty in German environments on AS with SPM
57097 Client configuration package only applied once per device after change
57149 Upgrade to 7.9.5 does not create unchanged MD settings in new NDC format
58437 Managed Device Settings package version not updated in GPE
56316 Database migration to 7.9.5 fails using SQL Server 2000
56378 Distribution bandwidth settings from DM<=7.9 can't be edited with 7.9.5
56461 Intermittent "The handle specified is invalid"t error from polling DSs
56465 DS reported as "Offline" if RolloutStatus folder is empty for > 1 day
57105 Custom bandwidth values cannot be configured in DM 7.9.5
57332 Distribution from remote console fails if user not in MGS Distributors
58227 Cannot distribute to polling DS if connection to port 7010 is blocked
58308 Empty username on ReplicatorParent registry key
58373 Distribution of an MD settings package immediately after creation fails
58496 Unhelpful error messages reported on concurrent hierarchy edits
58503 Incorrect options shown in "Ready to Install" wizard page screenshots
58509 Incorrect case for 3rd party installer uninstall event in packaging.pdf
Install wizards
46496 Upgrade may revert customized reg settings back to their defaults
55624 Add support for disabling peer to peer service during client install
56342 Prerequisites detection tool redirects to a bad URL for Office Web Cpts
56343 Prerequisites tool does not accurately detect current .NET versions
56851 Installing 7.9 SP1 sets configuration settings back to defaults
56896        Prerequisites application requires SQL 2000 when SQL 2005 applied
57062 ManageSoft Default Configuration Policy created on database only install
42646 UI always shown processing MD settings pkg with QuietUntilUpdate=true
56291 Fixed managed device preferences are not enforced
56377 Improve client robustness installing packages with redundant quotes
56645 "via nD" packages are not displayed in Add/Remove programs
56767 MSI packages created with early nDG warehouse servers hidden from ARP
57145 Callout fails to register with 7.9.5 client
57378 Bad package path recorded for installed package after failed upgrade
57799 Packages installed in wrong order if policy contains more than 150 pkgs
57842 MsiBaseURL only populated for Windows Installer external installers
57843 Third Party Installers do not honour run once registry key
57845 Reinstate support for installing an MSI contained in another package
57858 RebootPromptUnlimited installation agent preference is ignored
57886 Need ability to use installation agent postponement dialog on Vista
58362 Reboot delayed with nobody logged on and RebootPromptCycles <> 0
58442 Reboot does not occur if ForceReboot=true and ENTER key pressed
56416 Toggling publisher, name and version details in software inventory
57091 UNKNOWN OS reported for computer inventories imported by DS
57662 Mac inventory agent may abort while collecting video controller details
58196 Use of trailing "\" for IncludeRegistryKey is not clear
58914 ArgumentOutOfRange exception from Licensing node with long versions
Network operations
56441 Downloading files >2GB over HTTP with byte level differencing may fail
Packaging and receiving
55544 mgsreceive fails if run from a scheduled task without local admin rights
57811 Snapshot packages refer to $(AppDirSystem-8) instead of $(AppDir)
57531 Attempt to stop P2P service soon after starting may time out
57769 P2P downloads may occur outside of configured time windows
57848 Devices using Peer to Peer may create flood of UDP broadcast packets
57877 Files removed prematurely from P2P cache during August & September
58497 Problems with WANRetryDuration and UnusedFileUptime preferences
58610 Peers in UTC+n t/zone may wait longer than expected after download fail
58809 File downloads in progress expired if WAN time window closes
Policy distribution
57278 SQL queries used by policy distribution may time out
Policy merging
56489 Permissions entry granting read & delete rights ignored by polmerge
56667 Policy merge crash if foreign security principal is member of a group
56702 Policy failover support
56393 "EXECUTE permission denied" error viewing reports in 7.9.5
57577 x64 OSes are incorrectly shown as Unknown in reports
55863 Selector expected tab: "Must install by" column always shows 12:00:00
56166 NetworkSense cannot be set under Uploader\CurrentVersion

Known Problems



Admin console
39283 Domain config UI does not work from a remote console
37406 DSs cannot be adopted after being added to the distribution hierarchy
37565 Failed adoption of a DS may be reported as a success
Application usage
45206 Application usage logs with an empty NAME attribute fail to import
47380 Usage reports inconsistently include computers outside date range
47549 Wrong number of days used may be reported for concurrent processes
58004 Usage reports may show bogus applications if UseAddRemove=true
58103 Blank or NetBIOS domain reported for users in usage files
Configuration UI
36899 Unable to start multiple config consoles when mmc.exe.config is present
40626 Enter "edit" mode immediately after creating new MD settings folder
40828 MD settings can't be deleted after removal from policy without polmerge
46240 CSPs created on 7.6 and later ASs are incompatible with 7.5.x MDs
47464 ReIndexAll.sql fails if database option QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is changed
37286 Devices that connect to both VPN & LAN may be discovered multiple times
37442 Undiscovered but inventoried devices are shown with "Unreported Domain"
40245 Only one NetworkDevice record for all VPN devices found by discovery
57584 Discovery shows only one node from Network Load Balancing (NLB) clusters
28534 Event logs for failed remove jobs are not created for child DLs
28591 Synchronize of a non-shared DL does not pick up policy archive
31028 Synchronize of a DL on a Novell FTP servers does not work
33772 DS DNS name must match name in hierarchy for job polling to bootstrap
35582 Distribution subsystem may hang when using a Solaris 8 FTP server
42655 Empty folders are not deleted when deleting packages
46634 "Cleanup old policy files" option in wizard not available from nddistrb
46676 Old distribution event can overwrite more recent state recorded in DB
51375 >1 user editing distribution hierarchy causes errors & DB corruption
51940 Packages without info in dist cache do not get removed from staging area
52468 Packages not deleted from staging if ManageSoftDS$ share doesn't exist
52515 DS may be shown as offline with empty job type names in system status
52907 Blank type name in log status details reports for RolloutStatus logs
53163 DS authentication with a group in a foreign domain does not work
55009 Packages cannot be deleted from DSs after manual copying and synchronize
55506 Empty package files created if DL$ share points to same folder as DS$
56461 Intermittent "The handle specified is invalid" error from polling DSs
56609 DS/DL/RL creation wizard options not remembered between invocations
57820 replag.log file grows infinitely on admin server while console is open
58064 "Removing" count on DS summary report may be more than drill down list
58226 Update Failover Locations fails if CompatibilityWithNDG setting = true
58493 Polling DS stops receiving jobs if it is recreated in the hierarchy
Install wizards
31095 Admin server install fails if non-ASCII chars in ManageSoft folder name
31096 Domain name on which the AS is installed can't contain non-ASCII chars
39256 Win2003 parent DS needs manual configuration to work in polling mode
39996 Default mgssetup.ini should be in the MD and DS self-update packages
40901 DS install error on non-member server with scheduled tasks as SYSTEM
42961 Upgrading MGS admin server overwrites existing Web.config file settings
43413 All registry settings deleted on MD upgrade if DESTRUCTIVEUNINSTALL set
46027 Standalone DPE easy to misconfigure because install wizard hard to use
47393 Default membership of MGS Distributors group may be inappropriate
52549 DB or Reports server install always creates default policy in AD
53709 "Generate system status" scheduled task created on data servers
55769 DS uploading functionality broken if MD software is installed
56646 Virtual directories reconfigured to use ASP.NET 2.0 during AS install
27700 User policy and schedule updates may not work with folder redirection
31483 Dependent packages are not uninstalled when top level pkg is uninstalled
32102 Bootstrap location is lost after failed boostrap on Unix
32154 No event logs generated if install fails due to network outage on Unix
32156 No event log when uninstall a package using the Unix client command line
33244 Staged files are not removed if package is taken out of policy
34419 Installed packages don't get uninstalled if pre-reqs are no longer met
38592 Unneeded packages appear in postpone UI
40441 Old schedules are still reported as installed after new schedule applied
40780 Install of MSI package fails if .msi placed in same folder on DL as .ndc
40815 Network{High,Low}Usage saved from bandwidth slider are ignored
45227 Reboot required by prereq package is skipped if parent package fails
45680 Callouts in prerequisite packages on a mapped drive do not execute
45776 Citrix callout script gets run on machines that are not Citrix servers
46035 Verify/repair of customized package tries to go to DL for base pkg OSD
52255 Reboot requested when replacing file without SYSTEM read/write access
52345 Setting NetworkMaxRate installation agent preference has no effect
52521 Package activation time ignored when upgrading a package with staging on
53311 Behavior based on if user is logged on doesn't work with custom shells
53324 Packages with thousands of files fail to install in UNIX/Mac platforms
54301 Packages that "uninstall when out of scope" uninstall on failed download
54682 Callout processing in base package fails installing custom package
56927 "Before install" run command not executed if installer installer not run
56954 Download attempts continue after user cancels download in Auto UI mode
57134 File that keeps same size between package revisions may not be updated
57144 Installation error reported when package installed under fixed profile
57348 Reports show install as pending when updated package is not required
57514 Error in event log when hardware prerequisite in a package is not met
57735 "ndlaunch -a PackageName" fails with error "format not recognized"
58871 MsiUninstallArgs can't be specified when a package is uninstalled
58918 Variables referenced in MsiUninstallArgs preference are not expanded
59144 Callout on dependent package not executed
62003 .osd files are sometimes left in %TEMP% by the installation agent
Internal infrastructure
43110 Command line processing fails to strip trailing double quote after \
33033 Can't use diff inv with Description=$Value in specific registry trackin
34894 Solaris inventory does not include software patches
44008 Different packages with same name & version may be reported as installed
47415 Inventory import fails with duplicate path under Reporter\CV\Registry
53083 Inventory is not generated on computers whose clocks are turned back
56733 IncludeRegistry support for wildcard within registry name
39510 Parts of licensing ignore installations on computers in containers
48887 Licenses with purchase expiry a long time in the future have 0 count
53103 Code file needs to be hacked by user to get licensing reports appearing
Network operations
47877 HTTP PUT fails if file contains # characters in its name
Operations portal
47151 Menus defined in pre-7.8.1 Module.config files don't appear in 7.8.1+
56663 Error writing to event log using Operation Portal as a non admin user
Packaging and receiving
37074 3rd party install wizard copies *all* files in same dir as selected EXE
41044 Same MST file cannot be in both a base package and its customization
42454 Random packing console crashes deleting nodes in a package
43977 Failure to apply a transform is not detected and reported in MSI wizard
44806 Can't distribute >1 custom pkg at a time where the base pkg has a prere
45172 Packaging factory does not pack when installed on a managed device
48902 nddlm does not populate DB with information about custom packages
51455 Random packaging console crashes adding prerequisite packages
51984 Packer generates OSD files with invalid UTF, leads to parsing exceptions
53323 pkginfo.config files in Solaris packages are lost during packaging
54906 "Unspecified error" from COM importing RPM with non-existent dependency
56849 Unclear error when deleting a package that is still in policy
58547 Empty HW class & property lists adding HW prereq on packaging factory
43012 Uninstallation of MD leaves packages in cache
48179 Packages cannot be installed from non-DL filesystem if P2P is in use
51168 p2p fail to down load packages with long name
57878 Read-only files are left in P2P cache but removed from catalog.ctx
Policy distribution
30221 Policy distribution fails with OU names containing " (double quotes)
45376 NPL file may not be generated if a user and computer have the same name
Policy editing
37171 Need to be able to use Add to Policy wizard for MD settings & schedules
46453 mgspoled does not validate package paths being added to policy
46876 Group filtering in Add to Policy wizard works incorrectly cross domain
47245 DPE always removes non-existent schedules from policy
51653 Package filtering may be removed if group moved in AD while DPE is open
58195 UI to select security group doesn't scale to required levels
Policy merging
35808 SSPM generates .npl files using computer CN but MD expects SAM AC name
41463 Policy data about Admin accounts from different domains incorrect
42937 polmerge fails if the domain GUID changes in AD (e.g. domain rebuild)
45683 All but one GPO with same GUID appears in the ManageSoft database
45744 Info about filtering by groups from root domain not accurately recorded
46888 User policy merge using a local account can cause domain account lockout
Remote execution
51958 Unclear: Time for RE tasks with dynamic device selection local to the AS
52528 DSs used for RE cannot be controlled with dynamic target selection
52532 MD agent icon shows even if "display icon" is not selected in RE wizard
52534 Repeated RE task scheduled for earlier in the day runs immediately
54437 Usability problems in selecting DSs in remote execution wizard
55478 Remote execution may target the wrong machine if DNS/IP info out of date
58649 Remotely executed apps fail to access network on Vista workgroup members
27118 Installations of dependent packages are reported as "out of policy"
27445 Special characters in OU names cause problems with reports pages
27690 Package name instead of path used to record installation information
30198 Filtered report page number links above 10 link back to pages 1 to 10
33493 Installation reports don't list packages that aren't in the SW library
34863 Incorrect subnets for adapters with >1 IP address shown in asset reports
39550 Summary dist report may show more pending distributions than drilldown
39751 Drilldown from software installation summary reports may show extra rows
42053 Software report lists everything but drill down only lists used versions
42966 Report sorting may sometimes fail with reference to irrelevant column
43947 "NT4 domain" heading in "Computer * domain and role" reports incorrect
53510 Installation Pending/Failed/Postponed reports slow at large scales
54240 Successful pkg installation report intermittently takes 10s of minutes
57392 Missing reason on "Not Required" package installation report
57236 Security event logs containing user names with spaces fail to import
Rights and Roles
52507 ArgumentOutOfRangeException reported in non-AD mode if user is not in DB
26490 Renaming/removing distribution group breaks schedules without warning
31284 Need a way for non-admin users to run pre-approved commands as System
31729 Changed Update User Policy events stop executing until next logon
45217 Schedule agent may invoke policy agent with bad case in path to .npls
45300 Scheduled events have duplicate names by default and can't be renamed
45515 ndpolmig overwrites customized policy update events in schedules
46884 Missed events with "Don't catchup" set run after resume from hibernate
58183 Currently running scheduled events may be re-run on network connection
27066 Admin users can't uninstall mandatory packages using selection agent
29025 Pre-req pkgs of manadatory pkgs can be uninstalled using the Selector
37388 Opening the selector on Solaris may take a long time
42845 Custom config not shown using example selection agent config package
54925 Uploads using HTTPS via a proxy server fail with HTTP 400 error
56212 Obscure ASP.NET error 1309 in event log on problematic uploads
58397 Misleading "Failed to obtain read lock (denying write) on..file" message
Wake on LAN
31100 Managed device with NIC inventoried twice halts creation of WOL job

Related Document

M100938: Known and addressed problems in Security Manager release 8.0
M100924: Known and addressed problems in Enterprise Compliance Manager release 8.0


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