Release Notes: PackBench 7.3.993.651 [Update 01]

Title: RPB 200857: PackBench 7.3.993.651 [Update 01]
Type: Full Product

Feature Highlights:

  • PackBench now uses Windows Credentials Store for RayFlow connectivity, and is able to reuse login session from other RayPack
    Studio products.
    RF-4879 RF-4883 RF-4607 ZEN-17962 ZEN-19506 ZEN-20902
  • Reworked dialog and several other enhancements for data synchronization between PackBench and RayFlow. BEN-392 ZEN-21659
  • Added a new config option AutoElevation which controls, whether PackBench should automatically prompt for UAC confirmation to
    run as administrator.
    BEN-402 ZEN-22871
  • It is now possible to use SQlite database as the database engine. BEN-402 ZEN-22871

Other Improvements and Changes:

  •  Fixed minor inconsistencies in German localization. RPK-4786 BEN-400 ZEN-23034

For a detailed release information and full list of new features, improvements, refer to the Release Notes document.

Date Published: 2023/07/11
Requirements: Refer to the Implementation Guide for detailed information on how to install / upgrade RayManageSoft United Endpoint Manager
Restrictions/Known Issues: Refer to the Release Notes document for Hardware and Software requirements



To install PackBench follow the instructions in the PackBench User Guide


Download Location:

FTP Server:







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