Migration from Previous Versions
Migrating the Database
RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager 3.0 will not install properly when upgrading from a previous version of the product and if there is any null value in its Prerequisite table, column Match. [RMSC-2014]
In order to migrate this condition, we recommend to execute the following query on your RMS UEM database before migration to version 3.0:
Update [Prerequisite]
Set [Match] = 0
Where [Match] IS NULL
After migrating to RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager 3.0, there may be issues when editing assignments. [RMSC-2033]
It is necessary to use the "PopulateLifeTimeTable.sql" and "PopulatePostponementTable.sql" scripts on the RMS UEM database.
Both sql scripts can be found in the attachment of this article.
Packaging of a package sometimes fails due to a MinIO connection issue
Sometimes, due to connection problems a change could not be uploaded to MinIO and therefore the packaging will fail. [RMSC-1098]
Redo the change. In most cases, the next upload will work directly.
Duplicated device settings and schedules
When changing the defaults in the tenant settings, device settings and schedules will be duplicated. [RMSC-1246]
The duplicates need to be removed manually.
No feedback when tabs contain validation errors that prevent saving
When editing a package and inserting invalid information into a field that will be validated, there is no information that there are errors in the tab. Clicking on the Save button will result in no reaction. [RMSC-1344]
In case save is not working as expected, check on all tabs for missing input.
Error message for circular dependencies is missing
When creating a circular dependency between packages by adding a dependency, only a generic error is given. It does not provide proper information towards the problem. [RMSC-1351]
In case you get an error with the message "something went wrong while saving your changes.", make sure you have not created a circular dependency.
Drag & Drop issue in the applications tree view
When dropping an item between two packages, the item gets moved to the root folder. [RMSC-1898]
Dropping needs to be restricted to folder items only.
Adding an unmanaged dependency for a packages
When adding an unmanaged dependency for a package an error that the given product code is not correctly read when supplying a reference package might occur. [RMSC-1987]
In add dialog only select once a reference package. In case you have to change it, please reopen the add dialog for your selection. First selection of a reference package works as expected.
macOS AppCenter auto-refresh
The installation and uninstallation of available packages that have been started by the user are not refreshed automatically. [RMSC-1994]
The list gets updated after switching between the tabs.