MacOS Support Is Now Available [RMSC-1442] [RMSC-1510] [RMSC-1452] [RMSC-1455]
The Set of Default Reports Has Been Extended [RMSC-1444] [RMSC-1516] [RMSC-1408] [RMSC-1514]
Other Improvements and Changes:
The loading and editing functionality of RayManageSoft Unified Endpoint Manager packages has been improved in regard to performance. [RMSC-1406]
In the Device's Details view, the Vulnerability view has been improved and the search mechanism problems have been resolved. [RMSC-1397]
Several translations have been improved. Most importantly, a new naming convention for desktop and computer devices has been implemented. [RMSC-1609] [RMSC-1410] [RMSC-1384]
A deployment relevance filter option has been added to the device groups. [RMSC-1573]
The performance of the Active Directory Azure import has been improved. [RMSC-1580]
The forward function while the RayVentory integration is active has been improved. The complete upload on the managed device used to fail when forwarding failed due to connection issues. [RMSC-1564]
For a detailed release information and full list of new features, improvements, refer to the Release Notes document.
Date Published:
Refer to the Implementation Guide for detailed information on how to install / upgrade RayManageSoft United Endpoint Manager
Refer to the Implementation Guide for detailed information on how to install / upgrade RayManageSoft United Endpoint Manager