RTS200840: Release Notes: RayQC Advanced 7.3.5179.42 [Update 1]

Title: RTS200839: RayQC Advanced 7.3.5179.42 [Update 1]

Support for Citrix packages:

In this version, we have introduced support for Citrix packages. Now, it is possible to import *.laypkg packages into the library and to perform
testing for potential collisions across files, registry entries, and identifiers.




Other Changes and Improvements:

  • Removed unused values in config files. [RTS-2506] [RTS-2501]
  • Added a timestamp field for imported packages. [RTS-2485]
  • New optional parameters to rename packages have been added. [RTS-2471]

Resolved Issues:

  • Fixed a problem with the import of legacy packages using VMs. [RTS-2483]
  • Resolved a problem with the rollback of the installation. [RTS-2493]
  • Missing readiness rules for Windows 10 22H2 have been added. [RTS-2515]
Date Published:


Requirements: Refer to the Release Notes document for Hardware and Software requirements
Installation Instructions: To install RayQC Advanced follow the instructions in the RayQC Advanced User Guide

Download Location:

FTP Server: file.raynet.de
User: raypackstudio-kd
Password: 74(4346fU342


Download from Raynet FTP


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