RQC200838: Release Notes: RayQC 7.3.5210.45 [Update 2]


Title: RQC200838: RayQC 7.3.5210.45 [Update 2]

Checkpoint elements now support PowerShell plug-ins [RQC-1050] [ZEN-20549]
Starting with this release, checkpoint items support PowerShell plug-ins. In previous versions, this was not supported and required an extra
conversion step.

A checkpoint item is checked if the plug-in returns a value that can be parsed as a positive value, such as a Boolean $True or a string or number that resembles it. Similar logic is used for negative values. If the PowerShell plug-in returns an unsupported value, an error is reported.


Resolved Issues:

  • When trying to use an already existing key pair name for the signing, the prompt from RayQC is now a warning instead of an error. This change affects the Settings > Signing tab. [RQC-934]
  • Fixed a broken sample checklist. [RQC-1044] [ZEN-21012]
  • Fixed issues with canceling the creation of a new project. [RQC-1051]
Date Published:


Requirements: Refer to the Release Notes document for Hardware and Software requirements
Installation Instructions: To install RayQC follow the instructions in the RayQC User Guide

Download Location:

FTP Server: file.raynet.de
User: raypackstudio-kd
Password: 74(4346fU342


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