RVY200833: Release Notes: RayVentory Data Hub 12.5.5136.79 [Update 2]

Release Notes: RayVentory Data Hub 12.5.5136.79 [Update 2]


Type: Full Product

Feature Update of Cloud Connectors [RR-3587]

This version adds and improves many cloud connectors (internal version 2022.4.1).
The following changes are included:

  • Added the parameter account_list in the aws.ec2 and aws.rds connectors. [KOT-126]
  • In the connectors aws.ec2, aws.rds and aws.s3, AWS China is now available. [KOT-110]
  • JAMF Pro can now report the application usage and extension attributes. Additionally, the description and the in-app help texts have been updated. [KOT-176] [KOT-204] [KOT-171]
  • The microsoft.azure.computeinventory connector can now fetch data from multiple workspaces. [KOT-124]
  • It is possible to ignore certificate errors in the nutanix connector. [KOT-162]
  • The kubernetes connector now reports information about worker or master node. [KOT-202]
  • The microsoft.azure.compute connector now reports dedicated hosts and host groups in the virtual_machines table. [KOT-177]
  • The performance of the Microsoft Azure Computer connector has been improved. [KOT-188] [KOT-193] [KOT-200] [KOT-205]
  • Various improvements in the Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Azure AQL, and Microsoft Intune connectors. [KOT-169] [KOT-150] [KOT-178]
  • Updated the connector description of the qualys connector. [KOT-187]
  • The SAP.BTP connector now reports month and year for the usage data. [KOT-215]
  • Various improvements of the schema and descriptions of fields in the servicenow.licensedata and servicenow.table connectors. [KOT-180] [KOT-175]

New Metadata Fields for Tasks [RR-3459] [RR-3460] [ZEN-20947]

Tasks now have two extra fields, that contain a textual description and the user, who is the owner of the transformation.

Significant Performance Improvements of Transformations and SQL-Server Operations [RR-3618] [RR-3600]

DATA TRANSFORMATION In this build, we vastly improved the performance of the SQL-Server reader/writer and transformation components.
With plenty of backend changes, RayVentory Data Hub can now achieve much better throughput, faster execution times, and less CPU and RAM usage.
Generic changes in the SQL-Server related logic positively impact the transformation (both server- and agent-based) but also generic operations on the tenant database. As a result, inserting of data is much faster when using SQL-Server database driver.

New Transformation Type - Aggregation “First Not Empty” [RR-3557] [ZEN-20984]

DATA TRANSFORMATION In previous versions, there were several ways of aggregating the data, one of them being “first not null” also known as “coalesce”. This mode ensured, that the first value not being NULL is taken. Based on the feedback, we introduced another, similar mode, called “first not empty”. In this mode, whitespace-only strings are also ignored, so that a chain of values NULL, <empty-string>, "A" gives the following results:

First not null: <empty-string>
First not empty: A

New Default Color Schema [RR-3538]

In this build, we changed the default color scheme to make bar and pie chart elements more distinguishable.



Other Improvements:

  • DATA TRANSFORMATION The name of the group column for the “group” step is now optional. When omitted, this extra column is not added anymore. In previous versions, the name was required and there was no way to opt-out from the extra count column. [RR-3609] [ZEN-20889]
  • DATA API In the Data Hub API, it is now possible to get the results in the JSON format (depending on the value of the Accept header). [RR-3584]
  • PREVIEW In this build, we have added support for the French localization of the user interface. This is a preview feature. [RR-3476]


Security Improvements:

  • Updated library datatables.net to version 1.10.23+ to eliminate the potential software vulnerability CVE-2020-28458. [RR-3466] [ZEN-21063] [ZEN-21397]
  • Resolved various issues with the delegation of authentication to the external identity provider. This change should have a visible change, in terms of less flickering and screen changes, when the user gets authenticated. [RR-3617] [ZEN-21156]

Resolved Issues:

  • DATA TRANSFORMATION Fixed issues with the LEFT and OUTER join logic of the join steps. [RR-3560] [ZEN-21502]
  • DATA TRANSFORMATION Fixed an issue with the data being partially ignored by the RayVentory Catalog connector task. [RR-3621] [ZEN-22464]
  • Fixed wrong logging for tasks with timeout. [RR-3462]
  • DATA TRANSFORMATION Transformation steps with aggregation of the type concat now properly return null when all values are null. Previously, an empty string was returned. [RR-3585]
  • KEYCLOAK Fixed an issue with e-mail field getting an automated prefix preferred_username when using KeyCloak-based authentication. [RR-3542]
  • The message shown when trying to delete a group with permissions has been reworded. [RR-2511]
  • DATA TRANSFORMATION Fixed an issue where an incorrect source was created when switching between the table and step source. [RR-3590] [ZEN-22359] [ZEN-21741]
  • DATA TRANSFORMATION Fixed minor UI issues with the default standard transformation. [RR-3558]
  • DATA TRANSFORMATION Fixed an issue with macro handling, where in some cases the parameters could be wrongly resolved. [RR-3606] [ZEN-21871]
  • KEYCLOAK Fixed issues where signing out directly from the home screen was not possible without triggering a navigation. [RR-3457] [ZEN-21156]
  • Restored missing ITSM connector tasks and variables. [RR-3597] [RR-3596]
  • Fixed various issues in cloud connectors:
    • Fixed wrong description in the Azure AD configuration. [RR-3546]
    • The AWS.Athena and GCP.BigQuery connectors could not fetch the data. [KOT-152]
    • Various issues with parameter relations: hcl.bigfix.inventory, ibm.ilmt, microsoft.azuread, microsoft.azure.compute, microsoft.azure.computeinventory, microsoft.azure.consumption, microsoft.azure.loganalytics, microsoft. azure.sql, microsoft.graph.generic, microsoft.intune, microsoft.m365.signins, microsoft.office365, salesforce, salesforce.soql). [KOT-195]
    • Wrong serialization of the e-mail field in the JAMF Pro connector. [KOT-197]
    • Duplicate items in the microsoft.azure.compute connector in the vm_skus table. The table has duplicates, though it should only have unique entries. [KOT-168]
    • Inconsistent list and comma-separated parameters in the aws.ec2, aws.rds, aws.s3 connectors. [KOT-167]
    • Various issues in the Microsoft Azure Computer connector. [KOT-198] [KOT-208]
    • Wrong file handling and overriding resources in the aws.s3 connector. [KOT-131]
    • Wrong usage of format and limit parameters in the microsoft.graph.generic connector. [KOT-211]
    • Long runtime of the VMware AirWatch connector. [KOT-199]

Known Issues:

  • Standard reports are available in the SQL-Server flavor only.
  • The installer uses the SQL-Server as the default database type. In order to use MariaDB, skip the database creation step during the installation and adjust the configuration before starting the product for the first time. This does not affect the Docker-based installation, where the selection of the database type is determined by using a specific environment variable.
  • The import of Excel files into container tasks does not work in combination with the MariaDB-based setup.
  • Previous KeyCloak configurations will not be preserved during the migration process in the MSI-based installation. It is recommended to back up and restore your appsettings.json.
Date Published: 2023/03/09
Requirements: Refer to the Release Notes document for Hardware and Software requirements
Installation Instructions: Detailed instructions for the installation can be found in the RayVentory Data Hub 12.5 User Guide.


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