RVL200292: RayEval 5.0

Title: RVL200292: RayEval 5.0
Type: Full Product


  • As with other Packaging Suite components, this release brings an overhauled user interface which is crispier and faster.
  • Counters have been added to the tabs row in the editor view.
  • A TestRail integration has been added to RayEval.

For a detailed release information and full list of new features, improvements and resolved issues refer to the Release Notes document.

Date Published: 2017-JUL
Requirements: Refer to the Release Notes document for Hardware and Software requirements
Applies to Version(s):  -
Obsoletes: RayEval 4.1 and earlier
Restrictions/Known Issues:  -
Hotfixes:  -
Installation Instructions: To install RayEval follow the instructions in the RayEval User Guide
Affects (Modules, Components, etc.): complete product
Linked Tickets/Development Tasks:

Reference numbers:

RVL-270; RVL-279; RVL-292; RVL-300; RVL-301;

RVL-303; RVL-306; RVL-307; RVL-308; RVL-315;

RVL-316; RVL-319; RVL-320; RVL-328; RVL-338;


See Release Notes document for more details

Verification Hash (SHA1):

5DEF1C7F574B48EF41A4F812F535EE83244E17B3 (PackagingSuiteInstaller_OfflineInstaller.zip)

24FE4079C26B4C88D1140EF3ADDF0E20AFBBC876 (PackagingSuiteInstaller_WebInstaller.zip)

Download Location:
FTP Server: file.raynet.de
User: raypackstudio-kd
Password: NkNCWn!



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